Hearing about the terrible suffering of the children of Gaza, and a plea for cards to be sent to those children severely traumatised, a devotee from Canada felt deeply moved to write cards to them.

But the practicalities proved to be challenging. What could be done by just one person? She realised that the message would need translating, she didn’t know any of their names, and what to say? What would be the best way to send a loving message limited to a card?

It took some weeks of effort emailing to try and get translations but with no success. Then there was a breakthrough. A very kind translation company based in the UK were so moved by the request, that they gave the translation into Arabic for free.

She had an idea to put stickers in the cards of animals and things the children would enjoy. On each card and envelop was placed a heart and the message: ‘To a little girl’ or ‘To a little boy’. Inside the message read:

“Hello from Canada

You are in our prayers everyday. You are loved. May you be safe and happy.

Please share these stickers with your friends who are sad or sick.

Your friend


Twenty four cards were sent, and within them many stickers to be shared. By giving the children could feel they can help others, even in a small way.

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