5 Apr 2009 Question

Q113: Amma Photo?

Question 113:
“Which is your favorite photo of Amma? Why? ”
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  1. Amma in Devi Bhava, blue sari & white blouse is my favorite, Then I like the photo on the Math’s 2001 calender.Then Amma in Krishna Bhava as a “teen Aged Krishna” with skirt & blouse. We can see HER different BHAVA-s in each. How can we forget the photo in one of the recent posts “Children All Over Amma” AMMA please give Darshan in Devi Bhava…Eagerly waiting for that AMMA

  2. All are really great, but i like the ones where she looks straight in the cam, and for me it’s as if she is looking straight in my eyes, reading my mind and sending me endless divine messages… What a blessing!

  3. I love them ALL!!!! 😀 Swamini Krishnamrita Prana says in the movie “Darshan” that Amma is never the same twice, and even in pictures it is true. Some collect baseball & hockey cards, I collect Amma’s pictures 🙂

  4. The one in which Amma is looking straight at you. I love it because I feel Her gaze upon me from any angle and that She is always looking after me. Another one is Amma in Devi bhava wearing green sari yellow blouse, the look there is same that I always get when I go for hugs. Another one is young Amma profile in meditation and bliss, which inspires me to sit in meditation.

  5. AMMA in the pure white saree,
    With the curly hair covering the shoulder partly,
    And leaning on Her right hand,
    With a beaming smile on Her face,
    Looking with the tender love of the divine mother
    And unspeakable bliss is the favourite of aumsree.

  6. According to my vision actually nobody and no expert photographer could able to snap the real picture of our beloved Lord. Of course all the photos which are taken by so many people are equally beautiful and divine look. But the real photo is taken by the camera of my heart my heart… and it is the most beautiful.

  7. i have two favorites. . .the one that is often called the look of love. . .i love the transmittance from the eyes and it has often morphed into different faces. . .and the next favorite is a more recent photo of Amma leaning against the tree. . .and she is in blissful laughter. . .so very awesome and uplifting. . .

  8. Amma in Devi or Krishna Bhava (any of them really!), but I really like the ones of her when she is looking right at the camera. WHAT BLISS!! 🙂

  9. I recently saw Amma in purple saree during Devi Bhava in Singapore. Amma looked astonishing! I then immediately bought a small photo of Amma in Devi Bhava also in purple saree. I have now placed the photo at my altar. Each time I look at the photo, I recall the blissful moments of witnessing Amma in Devi Bhava… truly a speechless experience.

  10. I like those photos where AMMA looks right into my eyes. Immeditely I feel connected. I cherish those moments during darshan, when AMMA gives that compassionate look to me.

  11. My heart is her abode and I worship her. My AMMA is not a body to be recognized, her presence is felt by a sweet divine fragrance which i always feel around me.

  12. So many favorite photos…the photo which is there in the kalari, is so beautiful…and in the diary 2009, Amma in Her usual white saree sitting and looking at us …i love that look, and Amma’s young age photo…my list is still not complete 🙂

  13. I’ve never seen Amma in Devi-Bhava,One of my wishes!
    still i like every photo of hers. 🙂
    I read in one book by a Swami: ‘Every photo of a mahatma is alive and vibrant. Just by looking at it will create an altogether different positive effect.’
    So, collect as many as you can and distribute it to all. It may reach a desperate soul crying for help through this act.
    Eventually we must leave all the photos outside and see her inside and outside, all the time! 🙂

  14. All of them are my favourites. I was wondering if there actually is any camera that can really take the picture of Aadi Parasakthi – Amma. She dwells in the hearts of devotees and it cannot be snapped, but can be drawn by a true devotee.

  15. My favorite is one of a young Amma, not very many years older then I am now. She has Her hair down, and she’s leaning against a wall, looking at the camera with a very slight smile on Her face. A friend of mine gave this photo to me, and I have never seen the exact photo anywhere else. I have seen a different camera angle of the same photo, but not the exact same photo!

  16. I like the ones where she looks straight in to us with smile . Some times i feel ,she is looking straight in my eyes, reading my mind and says “my child i am always with you”.I love that look of Amma :).

  17. I like AMMA’s Devi darshan photos. I also like the recent one where she is rowing in River Kaveri.

  18. Every photo of AMMA is favorite, coz every single photo is unique
    and different


  20. All are equally favorite to me. Each one is special. 12yrs back AMMA sent me a Krishnabhava photo through one of Her devotees when it was rare to find. It was the same Krishnabhava photo I had seen in dreams and visions. One thing is sure: all AMMAs photos small or big are somehow alive.

  21. My favourite photo of Amma is of her meditating when she looks like she was about 13. And the one when she is laughing on a swing. And also during my padapuja – some shots intimate to me. Also, I love how Her eyes shine in the picture where She is raised Her hands above Her head in namaskar to an audience.

  22. ALLLLLLLL of them! 🙂

  23. Each picture of Amma is divine. One picture that calms my mind and stops negative thoughts is the one with Amma in Devi Bhava in a blue saree with her hand as if asking: what troubles you? What calms my mind most is Her look of utmost compassion.

  24. My favourite picture is one of Amma looking sideways dressed in white wearing a big garland of red flowers.
    While chanting my mantra and looking at this picture one night I felt the picture starting to change into Kali! Amma’s eyes seemed enormous glowing like hot coals and rolled up and back in bliss. Her tongue seemed to extend all the way down Her chin!
    Until then I was afraid of Kali. Since that time I have loved her as I realised Amma is Kali. The play of the picture is the most beautiful thing I have seen.

  25. Every photo of Amma is different & divine. My favorite one is Amma in Devi Bhava in Blue Sari & looking straight to me with so much love & compassion in her eyes and asking me: why are you so worried?

  26. Devi Bhava photo in blue looking at us sideways with a mischievous smile…when i went to zurich for Amma’s programme, when i went to sit near Amma after seva She just would not look at me. i was tired and very hurt. i went to the book shop n i saw this photo beckoning me. i was angry with Amma for only looking at me thru photos n i didn’t want to buy it. But of course the pull was too strong and i had to get it. before Devi bhava i ran in front of the stage to see Amma as soon as the curtain opened. i had this photo with me and i was asking Her what will you wear today Amma? when the curtain opened i was shocked ..She was in the exact same color Saree with the exact same coloured garland ..i almost screamed coz i knew instantly it was Ammas clear indication that She can hear me when i talk when i think about Her ..She is my Amma!!! 🙂

  27. 🙂
    im reminded of swami paramatma’s book ,where he writes about the difficulty to get ammachi pose for a photogragh..
    Amma’s girlhood photos are the best photos i’ve ever seen,’in swami purnamrita’s collection..the far-away look in Her dazed eyes, the charming innocence in Krishna Bhava, the yogini in meditation…
    each pic is different..
    and looking at each, transports me into a different realm of thought, somewhere where only She exists…

  28. Amma’s most beautiful photograph is a new one which i saw recently in Nigdi ashram where Amma is sitting on a beige sofa and looking directly at you. I saw this photo for the first time this time whem Swami Amritswarupanad had come to Pune ashram. it is just lovely. my heart just skipped a beat as if amma had looked straight into my heart. I got an intense desire to have this photo in my house and i a friend of mine found it in the bangalore ashram and bought it for me!!!

  29. I love all Amma’s photos. I like most the recent photo taken in Singapore on 28/03/09 where she is smiling with a loving face. When I look at Amma’s face, all my sorrow fly away……. Amma, I love u forever…

  30. There is one where Mother is in a lovely white bridal looking gown with a slight bit of gloss to it (or maybe its my imagination-I dont own the photo).In layers, a rainbow of roses float around her neck. Her head is bowed.

  31. a tsunami time photo, with touching expression of sadness as a jaganmatha photo (she kept her hands in her waist) i can’t express my feeling because seeing that i saw Parvathi coming down on Earth at a time of tragedy.

  32. Amma in Devi Bhava in a blue saree with her hand as if asking: what troubles you? This is the first picture i brought during my first visit to see amma 20 years ago.recently i brought one five feet long amma’s picture and took it to show amma and bless it.Seeing this photo amma asked me where from u made it ? how i am going to frame this,i told amma from here it is custom made and i am going to put rudraksha mala and going to frame it.and this is for Auckland center.This very special photo for me if u see this photo and feel amma is right in front of us.

  33. I like all amma photos

  34. The picture at the entrance of the bio-technology college near Amritapuri….:) its my favorite for ever..:) and we feel that AMMA is looking towards our eyes whatever angle you look at it from…thats why i love it…:)

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