26 May 2003 Poems

Good night Amritapuri

If I could paint a picture of Amritapuri right now I would color
it in the golden light of dusk.
Fill it with the sounds of the waves of the sea meeting the shore.
Dotted with the lights of the fisherman on the backwaters, fishing
in the old ways with net and lantern suspended on a long pole.
The intermittent sounds of water taxis going to shore for the night,
bringing the last passengers safely to land.
Crows calling to their friends, good night, good night.
Rhythmic ringing of the pujari’s bell in the old temple.
Southern winds powering palm fronds like gentle fans along the grounds.

All of this beautifully wrapped in the sweet sounds of evening bhajans,
an Amma lullaby

-Ananda Devi

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