Kangaroos! Kangaroos! Everyone on the the staff tour excitedly viewed the silhouettes on the misty hillside. “We really are in Australia!” someone shouted. Talk turned to the possibility of other unique local wildlife sighting opportunities on off days during the 16 day tour. This discussion reminded me of a similar one during Amma’s first tour […]

Last night Amma had a big public darshan program in Udupi Karnataka -the place famous for Rukmini’s Krishna and for saints like Kanaka Dasa. Observing Amma is in inspiration in itself. Even though the all knowing mother will never proclaim her divinity some things make it seem so natural and so evident. As an impartial […]

This morning I did Arcana with the copper pod tree! The familiar tree almost on every street in the cities blooms its innumerable bright yellow flowers in its own time, and in its own selected branches. Just like Tumban and Bhakti display dog-qualities plus special qualities, the tree to the left-front of Kali Temple in […]
“Being an atheist, I had never known what values were in their true sense until I met Amma.” Mr. Sairam, Income Generator of Amrita SeRVE greeted us with this strong statement in a freewheeling chat, wherein he conveyed the idea behind AmritaSeRVE and how, through an amazing transformation effected by Amma, he became a part […]

On this auspicious occasion of our beloved AMMA’s 63rd birthday we got an opportunity to interact with Mr. Subhash who is the coordinator of Amrita SeRVe – Koduru Village, Telangana. Mr. Subhash described the AmritaSeRVe initiatives going on in his village. They have constructed a Shiva temple in the village, but he says “Our whole […]

Most of us are familiar with the Bhagavad Gita as an insightful dialogue between Lord Krishna and Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. Arjuna, the valiant and noble warrior faces immense conflict internally as he heads off to battle his Kaurava relatives. It is right then that Lord Krishna guides him, and shows him the […]

“I am not coming to meet Amma with any desire or expectations”. Selvan strongly believes that if there is something that he needs, Amma would identify it. A farmer from the town of Pudhukottai, he started coming for Amma’s birthday from last year. One of his relatives had spoken to him about Amma, and he […]

On the eve of Amritavarsham 63, the Amritapuri campus of Amrita University hosted a High Level Panel Discussion on Making Sustainability a Reality: from Policy to Successful Practice on September 25, 2016. Smt Sunita Sanghi, Advisor, NITI Ayog, New Delhi, who delivered the Special Address at the event had an informal chat on lunch, prior […]