20 Aug 2007 AshramDiary

Three Avatars

Three Avatars: In Amma’s Presence

Only last week my mind was specifically drawn to one of the 1000 Divine Names of LalitaDevi – Karanguli nakhotpanna narayana dashaakruti.- meaning,
“Devi, from Whose nails rise the 10 Avatars of Lord Narayana…..”

The ten incarnations that find mention in the Dashavatara in the Bhagavatam trace a kind of evolution from lower to higher levels. While the list begins with a tiny fish that grew gigantic, the last ones, Sri Rama, Vamana and Sri Krishna, are incarnations of Vishnu in human form. God the Lord would not mind taking any form in order to protect His creation, is the message given. And according to the Name mentioned above, Devi is the One from whom descend these divine Incarnations.

We in the present times are seeing a most wonderful thing: While the Bhagavatam spoke of Lord Narayana’s (Vishu) descending, it did not mention Devi’s; and here we have Devi Herself descended for our benefit. Amma the Mother of Compassion had no rhyme nor reason to come to us, but it is only due to her compassion that is She amidst us.

These few months here in Amritapuri have been a sort of revelation to me. While a month (Karkitakam) was dedicated to the reading of Lord Rama’s glories, (refer to an earlier write-up) just as it culminated on the 16th, the next day preparations began for the celebration of the other of the Avatars, Vamana. Everyday pookkalams (flower designs) are drawn in several places of the ashram in his welcome. His celebrations end around the 27th, with Onam, and soon we will be celebrating the birth of the next glorious Avatar, Sri Krishna.

Amidst all this, Amma, the SarvaSakshi, or witness of everything, sits as the center of the Universe, doing what She has come to do, generously giving love and bliss, transforming hearts, to millions of Her children.


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