Even though the camper made sound while entering the patio of Amma’s house this afternoon and its door made sound when it was opened to let Amma come out of it, and the people made sound while running to see her, and the trees made sound by hitting softly with their twigs against her house, and the water made sound in the tank nearby running up and down, and cooking vessels made sounds in the kitchen when people there rushed with loud steps out to see Mother, and the crows made sounds on the roof edge, there was no sound in Mother when she came out of the camper and moved slowly in her sweet way towards her house. No matter how many thousands of people she had just hugged the previous night, or how many hours she had been traveling, or how many nights she had not slept, she does not make any sound to announce her physical state – or even her presence.

Ahalya, 6 May 2007

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  1. so beautifully and stunningly put. 🙂

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