Rain Rain Went Away
and Came Again Another Day….

30 September 2007, Amritapuri

It’s 1am in the boy’s computer room a few days after the birthday.  Raindrops are once again falling outside, as it has been all month.   That is, except on the day before, and day of the Birthday.

It was simply Grace.  Not a drop fell the entire day and night of the 26th making preparations and setup that much easier. The birthday itself started out dry. It was hot, but not unbearable.  Umbrellas were in use again, this time to block out the sun.  Though there were many puddles, small lakes, and lots of mud that had to be skirted, the crowds moved easily between Amritapuri Ashram and the University Campus across the backwaters.

Around 10pm at night on the 27th, the rain came back.  A quick downpour.  But darshan had been going on for about 9 hours, and dinner had already been served, so the crowd had gotten smaller.  Later, around 2 or 3am, the skies opened up once more – the heavy rains had returned.   It didn’t matter.  The Baduka (adivasi tribals from the Kerala/Tamil Nadu border) were dancing.  Amma was in a festive mood.   We were all safe and dry under the shed.

The rain has returned.  It did go away.  And it came again another day…..

Sri Pati

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