19 Feb 2008 AshramDiary

Bhakti Pilgrimage

In the days before the Mangalore Brahmastanam, the question that pretty much everyone in Amritapuri was asking each other was ‘are you going to Mangalore?’  Indeed, when word quickly spread that there was an inexpensive overnight train from Kayankulam station (about 7km from Amritapuri) to Mangalore, people started making plans.   Train tickets were booked, hotel reservations made, and excited anticipation set in.

So on departure night, buses were arranged to take people to Kayankulam, where two separate trains were scheduled to depart about 1/2 an hour apart – the Malabar Express, and the Malveli Express.

The bus that I happened to be on was leaving from across the backwaters by the Biotech building.  As we waited for others to arrive, a group of about 20 Female Engineering Students appeared, backpacks and luggage in hand.  I recognized many of them.   They are the gopis of Amma’s University.  They come to every Karthika Celebration and Ashram Festival and sing and dance up a storm.   If you saw the video of the Birthday Celebrations in Amritapuri from 2006, they as a group were responsible for the ‘chaos’ that erupted during the Baduga’s traditional dance.   Their bhakti knows no bounds.  Many have probably known Amma their entire lives.   They had also caught ‘Brahmastanam Fever’ and were joining us on the pilgrimage to Mangalore.

No sooner had the driver started the bus engine than the fever really set in.  ‘Mata Rani Ki…..Jai!!!’ the girls cried out in unison.  They were beaming with joy.  Then they started the 108 names, followed by Mata Rani and Adi Parashakti and a few other bhajans.  The few westerners that were on the bus joined in.

Though the ride to the train station was only 20 minutes, the energy that these girls created was so high, so spirited, so joyful.  it was a wonderful start of a bhakti pilgrimage to Mangalore.

Sri Pati
16-Feb 2008 , Amritapuri

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