22 Feb 2008 WithAmma

unexpected blessing

22 feb, bharata yatra 2008, raichur, karnataka.

the sun was still on the horizon, in its count down. we were 20 km away from karnataka – andhra border. amma’s van pulled over to an office compound. it was the seed collection office of karnataka govt. the moment amma entered there, an old man, in his eighties came to amma. he said “i was wondering how i came here. i went to see mallikarjuna (lord siva of sri sailam). i am returning back home. here i happened to see you. and was attracted to you.  i am very happy to see bramaramba, consort of mallikarjuna. by the grace of mallikarjuna i got the knowledge of you”

“this is an unexpected blessing. now this pot is full (referring to his head). if you tap the top of my head, nada brahmam (the sound aum) will come like when we ring the bell of a temple” said Thimma Reddy. he was talking to amma in telugu for a long time. amma was listening to him, enjoying his innocence. while amma started singing bhajans he would go intoxicated and he would start speaking.

amma commented that it is very difficult to find such innocence in the cities. only in the villages you get to see that.

not much later you see a lady in her late 30’s come running to amma with tears rolling down her cheek. making her way through the people sitting around amma, she crashed into amma’s lap asking amma to give her adhyatmic (spiritual) life.  talking to her later i understood that this lady Sakha Lata, was meeting amma for the first time. one week back one of her friends told her about amma.  she is the wife of Bhasraj, manager of karnataka seeds. it was when he was about to leave the office, amma came to his office grounds. so he informed his wife, she came running to amma.

amma says that when the flower blooms, the bees will come searching for honey. but how do they know the ip address? what is the key word for googling?

~ dhyanamrita

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  1. The computer language you put at the end made me giggle 🙂 Thank you for the post. I am learning so much.

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