26 jul 2008

amma is coming tomorrow.

since one week people were coming to the ashram – either they have been on tour with amma, or working in other centers, or coming to see amma from their homes. when people see each other, they exchange hugs, warm words, asking about their travel, sadhana for the last two months, and a smile from the heart. they depart to their room or to their pre assigned seva.

its interesting many children from foreign countries are here already. one particular boy 6-7 years old had made friendship with most of the brahmacharis even though he speaks only italian!

you see the asramites working everywhere, painting the walls, cleaning the floors, arranging the garden, testing the speakers and mikes for the bhajans, checking the lights, fans and the switches.. all are busy. already the energy is very high in the air.

the ashram land by the cow shed is extended towards south.
amma’s steps got new design, her hut is thatched with new palm leaves…

all are awaiting for the  bell to ring 3 times announcing that amma stepped in the ashram grounds..

~ dhyanamrita

Join the conversation! 5 Comments

  1. We always love to read Dhyanamrita swami’s writings. Oh,our AMMA is in Bharatha. I am here in Mysore, with wet eyes and longingness. But I could feel the joy,excitement and energy in my Amritapuri. Jai Ma

  2. My heart is aching to come back to Amritapuri after a 4 year gap. But my mind keeps doubting – can I do it on my own with 3 small children…? Amma please show me the way.

  3. I am longing for the day when I will own a flat in Amritapuri and mediate while performing Amma’s service.

    Until then Amma please make “solvadellam thiru-manthiramagavum, seivathella thiru-paniagavum, ketpathellam unthan-kanimolizhiagavum” as in the famous bhajan “Engum un-arul maliae”.

  4. Oh Divine Ones in Amritapuri post the lilas around Amma including bhajans,darshan,q&a session with Mother .. and every particle around,with Amma…..

  5. while some are fortunate in partaking these sweet moments with AMMA i have to stay in this mundane existance shackled by my karmas in a concrete city, while better past karmas could have kept me within the four premises of the sacred Vallikavu ashram!! Maybe next birth i’ll be more fortunate

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