24 Oct 2008 Poems

The Ultimate Truth

I watched a shooting star
as it ran across the sky.
I was dumbfounded by its beauty
in the darkness of the night.
Surrounding it like diamonds,
like tiny twinkling lights,
a million shining brothers
witnessing its flight.
Sometimes in the evening
I stand outside my door
and admire the peaceful heavens
and I gaze at the shooting star..
and wonder at its glory
sometimes i feel like asking
Who showered u with beauty..
but the answer is within urself..
and that’s almighty 🙂
hunt for the Ultimate Truth
let the Lie beseech..
turn ur back to those ugly faces..
to the Supreme u got to reach
the canter of life may seem boring
with a deluge of hopes failing
emend your life impassively
and the clock will stop ‘ticking’
the unknown beyond time will smile at you
dont let it fade away coz that’s the happiness true
embrace the world with an open heart
let the players play,
u is me and me is u
the soul theory goes this way..
Oh! Amma! seeking your benison here I come
leaving the world behind to gain freedom…

Shubha N

Join the conversation! 3 Comments

  1. Very deep meaning… beautiful poetry.

  2. Beautiful poem……….timely. Especially love, “embrace the world with an open heart” Thank you Shubha

  3. Namah Shivaya Shubha! It is not often I read poetry here! How nice 🙂 Amma is our shooting star and we are the million shinning children watching her flight.

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