28 Sep 2009 AshramDiary

The mega dias

9:45 AM, 26 Sep 2009

What was a mere frame-work of a ‘stage’ last evening has been transformed this morning into a rich looking mega dais for the great events to come.  It has also taken on a magnificent look – at 9.45 am today (September 26), with an understandable aura of spirituality adorning it.  The human sea in the area matches the blue sea not far away from here!  We are thus made to reckon with the size of Amma’s family, “Vasudeva Kudumbaka”.  That gives also us a glimpse of the infinite dimensions of the Love Amma showers on all of us!  We are also reminded of our own individual insignificance thereby, whatever station and power we hold in the world outside.  After all, that is what Amma wants us to realize, ultimately!


Another sea hereabouts is that of the fresh, bright faces of the Vidyamritam children, who are part of the Amma-initiated Vidyamritam Programme.  The finals of the eagerly awaited Elocution Competitions are to begin shortly.  The participants, vibrant with a good night’s rest and ‘bright morning faces’ (to quote Shakespeare) fill the place with fresh energy – their faces radiating their determination to give out their best today.

We now push our way through the swarm of children.  To our right, are a group of selfless volunteers – who are easily sighted all over here – devoting themselves to organize a large bunch of bright yellow flowers to decorate the venue of the ‘Finals’.  Yellow signifies Victory, and it is obvious that the entire programme carries the blessings of our Gracious Amma, and would finish with a sign of victory for all the finalists.  Amma has always stressed that what is important is how ‘dharmic’ our approach is to everything in life – of which this competition here is just a reminder.

We move further along the path towards the stage.  We lift up our heads and take in the spectacular decorations of the yellow flowers overhead.  Indeed, we have no words to describe so magnificent a sight!!  We wonder as to how all these decorations have come up here, overnight.  Amma is indeed the lifeline behind every one of us.  We are all just instruments in her Divine Hands and She makes things happen.  The perfection of these yellow flowers is indeed matched by the grandeur of the stage itself.  An experience indeed!  “An impulse from the vernal woods can teach you more of man,” says William Wordsworth.

As we bring our stunned necks back to position, we see the crowds of children now arrayed and organized into neat and orderly lines, each child holding the hand of the next in line.  We must now to ‘cut-across’ the lines of children, much against our wish.  These lines of children united into long ‘children chains’ appears to teach us adults the need to unite for the overall success of all these events at Amritapuri, short term, and, more than that, to stay united for the welfare of all humanity – nay, ALL creation!!

We thus wait on, for the train of children to pass us and to make up to the stage.  Going up the ‘wonder-stage’, we witness waves of devotees eagerly moving towards the stage for the long awaited events.  They anxiously turn their heads round towards us, only to find that we too, are only waiting for the auspicious moment!

The announcement indicates that the children gathered there are to have their breakfast as soon as they can and to get ready for the start of the events of the day.  We are thrilled to think of the care Amma takes to see that the smallest detail is taken care of, so that biger things could happen.

Let us all, as Amma’s children and devotees, strive together to implement Amma’s vision of a happy, united world of healthy competition and live-and-let-live attitude.

by  S Jeayaram &  K Raviteja