cp-nayarInterview with Mr.C.P.Nair

“I feel extremely delighted to be one on the panel of judges of Vidyamritam.  Attending this wonderful event and watching these little children speak about global issues, is indeed an amazing experience, a worthy experience too.  These young faces are innocent but they are bestowed with sharp intellect and I am sure that they will reach very great heights in their future”.

I agreed to attend this event without any reservation and to be a judge because of my love for and devotion to Amma.  Organizing an event on such a big scale is not easy.  This is bound to be successful, because Amma is the driving force behind it.  Her spiritual message and selfless service motivate me to a great extent.  Every individual should try to appreciate the spirit of it  and understand Amma.

I met Amma for the first time in 1996 when I was the Chief Secretary to the Government of Kerala.  I wanted to meet Amma like anyone else, and not as a VIP.  So I parked my car, a little away from Amma’s place and walked into the auditorium.  I don’t know how to say it!  I was really surprised when Amma Herself called me and spoke to me for a long time.  She has love, affection, understanding and peace, which make her the Universal Mother.  Our Hindu mythology holds that the mother is to be given the utmost importance.  To me, Amma is the Mother of all mankind.  Her selfless service and pleasant smile radiate spirituality and I learn from Amma that service to mankind is service to God.  Understanding this, every one of us can hope for fulfillment in life.

by K Raviteja

26 Sep 2009