7 Jun 2010 WithAmma

from San Ramon

July 6th, 2010 San Ramon – USA

calf_ammaNormally, the hills surrounding M.A. Center would have turned completely brown a few weeks ago, but the longer than normal rainy season and cool weather has allowed them to retain much of their fresh green cover. Wide strips of newly blossomed mustard add bright yellow stripes along the verdant hillsides. In the distance, the cows announce their presence. In contrast to the deep blue skies, the earth’s beautiful pallet of color has come alive for Amma’s visit.

Devotees from all over the world had been coming to San Ramon over the past two months to help with preparations for the programs. On Thursday morning, all were awaiting Amma’s arrival. And in the crowd just outside the hall, were the two newest residents of M.A. Center. At five and two weeks old respectively, the two new calves had been brought to the hall to greet Amma.
At just after 10am, a conch shell blew. Amma’s car was approaching. The door was opened and Amma stepped out. She immediately went over to the cows and blessed each individually, offering water, then placing sandalwood and kumkum on their foreheads. Amma then gave each a beautiful darshan before entering the hall.

During the first and second evening, Amma continued to sing many new bhajans.
During one of the day programs, the children from the local Balakendra put on a few dances and singing performances.

On the first Devi Bhava Saturday night, Amma wore a stunning purple sari with a wide trim that was a mix of gold and orange. Later in the evening, during one of the Swami sets, young Siddharth belted out a near perfect Maiji Menu mimicking Ramanand’s soulful calling voice during the refrains. At the end, the crowd erupted in applause. With full childlike innocence, Siddharth bolted up to the stage to be at Amma’s side.

Devi Bhava ended at 8:30am Sunday morning. Everyone headed off for a day’s rest. The programs resume tomorrow at 10am.

-Sri Pati

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  1. Description makes the event alive …

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