23 Jun 2010 WithAmma

Incredible Kali Ma

20 Jun 2010 Albequerque, USA Yatra

A hole was blown in the fabric of the Universe at the end of the first day in Albuquerque.

It wasn’t a bolt of lightning. It wasn’t fireworks. It was the collective final “Jai!!!!” that erupted from the hall at the end of darshan on the first day of programs in ABQ.

Yes, Amma sang. And, yes, it was incredible…..again.

One could witness a million times…. and one can write about it in a million different ways…..

As darshan was finishing around 9:30pm, anticipation was already in the air. There seemed to be a consensus among the crowd that Amma was going to sing. As the darshan line thinned, people started to close in around her – and behind her on the stage – and along the sides. And at the back of the darshan line, a procession of eager devotees began following the line inwards, marching one step closer to her as each chair was moved out of the way.

Sure enough, after the last person received a hug, a microphone was handed to Amma and the musicians began. It was ‘Kotha Tumi Jonani” – a new bengali bhajan with words in the 2010 supplement. The chorus is a repetition of ‘Kali Ma’

At the end, the repetition continued to get louder and louder as Amma started pounding on the microphone, raising the energy of the hall higher and higher. “Kali Ma, Kali Ma, Kali Ma, Kali Ma, Kali Ma, Kali Ma, Kali Ma!!!”

One cannot describe the combined power of the words “Kali Ma,” being shouted in unison over and over again in the very presence of she who embodies Kali….

All throughout, her eyes were scanning the crowd. Beaming. Such joy. Such love. Our joy of watching her sing, of being in her divine presence. Her joy of watching her children in such bliss. The two joys had become one.

And at the very end, Amma shouted out Kali Ma Ki….. Jai repeatedly, intensely, ecstatically… ending with few Mata Rani Ki…….Jai’s…raising upwards…. until the until the final Ki………….Jai !!!!!”

– Sri Pati

Join the conversation! 7 Comments

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful experience with Amma. Although we are so so far away reading and imagining such experiences simply catapults our minds inward deep into our world of our Darling Beautiful Amma and our hearts soar to Mother’s lap instantly.. This song is very very dear to me. Thank you so much.

  2. Thanks a lot dear Sri.Pati for such a live and true description. It lead us near to AMMA in ABQ though physically thousands of miles away.
    Let my Kalima remove the ignorance from me. Jai Kalima Ki……Jai!!!

  3. Thank you Sri Pati – that brought me there for a few moments.

  4. Thank you,
    Wonderful, picturesque description! I could visualize the scene-Amma singing in raptures and everybody mesmerized. I could also feel some vibrations and the sanctity for a moment.
    Thank you for helping us experience AMMA’s grace so far away.

  5. At Ernakulam Brahamshtanam program after the darshan AMMA sang the same bhajan… I was lucky to be on stage at that time. This bhajan is so sweet. I just remember my memories….Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful experience.

  6. Just Beautiful!! Thank you for bringing us there! Love to Amma and Love to us all! Julie

  7. Is there a video of this event? Please, please, please!

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