Our first interviewee was a first year student pursuing Bachelor of Pharmacy from Amrita School of Pharmacy, Kochi. It was her first visit here. When we met her, she was cutting vegetables in the engineering campus hall. Quite unusual a sight to see a 20 year old vibrant graduate to sit calmly and patiently cutting vegetables, that too, on a mass scale.

This prompted us to ask her the obvious question
“Are you doing this task as it is assigned to you or doing it voluntarily?”

The teenager gave a smart reply, “I have been cutting vegetables at home so I am used to it, but here there is a difference. What I am doing now is only a little drop in the ocean. Although I cut very little, I enjoy doing this. I don’t feel tired or exhausted doing this the whole evening. There is an unusual satisfaction!”

– Karthikeyan, Anoop, Shruti, Vikrant, Sushmitha.