5 oct 2008, amritapuri
amma gave probably the longest day-darshan in amritapuri today. to my knowledge this must be the longest day-darshan in recent times other than public programs that were held outside the ashram. the morning darshan started at 10 a.m (on 4th oct) and went on till 4.15 am the next day!! just before amma got up, a man with his wife came running for darshan. it was only in the evening that he read the papers and then he got to know that it was to be the last darshan day. so he had rushed with his wife, by bus to the ashram traveling more than 450 km. when he reached the ashram at 4 am he was so very surprised to find amma still giving darshan. he was the very last person to receive darshan.

do you remember that for the birthday amma was on the stage for 24 hours straight?

since amma will not be here in amritapuri for the next two months, because of europe, usa yatra, a lot of devotees came for darshan. before amma got back to the room from the stage, the bell for archana rang. another day has started for us. but for amma, there is neither day nor night.
~ dhyanamrita

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  1. Tears are rolling down,sobs are coming out, heart is beating very fastly “Amma..Amma..” I could hear the deep,melodious voice of Swamiji Amrita Geetananda Puri ” Katheedu Amme komala vigraham…”
    Amma..we don’t have and don’t want any body other than YOU………

  2. swamiji, you are right in every way…
    one person has told me, once a doctor asked amma when do you wake up?
    amma said, ” i neither sleep nor no waking up… i’m always awake !”

  3. Really it needs to be experienced. I was there throughout and was hanging around on the stage. Finally when Amma wrapped up darshan and was leaving the stage, the children from paripally orphanage lined up the way back to Amma’s room Amma stopped by and was chatting with them and She also recalled some dance steps which She had done the previous year with them. Amma time and again proves that She is beyond any of our physical limitations. Do we need to ask for any other miracle? We are witnessing one everyday at Amritapuri.

  4. 🙁
    i coudnt see amma even when she was there for the past 2 months in vallikavu….now, its time for Her to leave again……………already missin u badly amma……..wonder when i’ll see u…..love you……

  5. Pavamee makkalku verillorashrayam
    Premaswaroopame Amma matram

    so please AMMA:
    Katheedukammeye komala vigraham
    Karunya poorvame makkalkai

  6. O Amma!!!you are leaving today no? Amma i couldn’t come to vallikav even for the Birthday. Amma the children of Thee in Mumbai missing you very badly. We had a hope that Thee may come via Mumbai. Now we have to wait a long 2months for Thy Darshan no? “Ellam ariyunnoramme enta vallaima ni ariyille?” Anandakodi pranam at Thy Lotus feet Amma.

  7. Wow!!!!!! More than 15 hours darshan!!!!!! I’m going to amritapuri next summer and I can’t wait to feel how darshan in amritapuri is?!?!?!?!?!?!?! is it fast, very scorching, or does it have a long line?????

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AshramDiary, WithAmma