28 Aug 2006 AshramDiary

A Dip in Love

It was a beautiful morning when I finally reached the ashram. Sisters in bright white were pouring out from the Temple after their morning worship. My heart felt immediately at ease. Time spent in the desert of the world had extended to a full six months and I was very happy to be back home. I was also anxious to see Amma. What would She say to me after all this time…? These days Amma’s schedule is so outrageously busy… I didn’t have much hopes for anything.

In the afternoon I was standing by the enquiry booth just in front of the Temple. I was still in my traveling clothes. Suddenly Amma appeared in front of me. It seemed She came out from nowhere. She was wearing a beautiful deep ochre colored swimming dress. She looked at me and asked:

Why are you wearing pants?

Those were the first words my Guru spoke to me. What a sweet welcome. As if there had been no time apart at all. I ran to my room to change.

It was obviously time to take a dip in Love.

Sathya, Finland
28 aug 06

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