Question 10:

“What is your favorite flower? Why? What does it symbolize for you?”

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Join the conversation! 38 Comments

  1. My favorite flowers are roses. They are so delicate and pretty, yet the roses we planted two years ago have survived a couple of feet of snow! They represent devotion and love to God. (They are always my offering in temples.)
    My favorite color roses are white and dark red.

  2. The rose, even before I’d heard of Amma. It had spiritual significance for me that I did not understand. To go into all of the why and the symbolism now would take too long for a blog comment. Have a picture?

  3. white lilies. for me it represents purity, freshness and friendship.

  4. Lotus is my favorite. I have always prayed in my mind to Amma, seated on a lotus flower, offering lotuses at her feet, so a special attachment and reverence for the flower.
    Lotus rises out of the muddy water and blossoms with great beauty towards light, great way to remember our life’s goal, as Amma says “Oh man, merge in your Self”, to move away from the muddy mundane world towards light and realize God/ Self.
    Lotus flower symbolizes spiritual life. It responds positively to light and warmth, me too!

  5. Lotus, symbolizes the purity of heart and mind.

  6. My favorite flower is the Rose. A white rose…. symbolizing love, purity, beauty and elegance…
    But I do deeply appreciate all flowers too… wild flowers in the forests…

  7. My favourite flower is any white flower as it signifies purity. I always try to offer white flowers to AMMA.

  8. My favorite flower is the Jasmine
    – White color represents purity…
    – Being small in size represents humility…
    – Their very presence represents divinity…
    It dominates the entire surrounding with its fragrance that can fill the inner self with a lot of calmness and peace…

  9. My favorite flowers are those I encountered during my summer working in the backcountry of Glacier National Park, Montana, i.e. the tall pink fireweed, so named because it grows in areas which have recently burned (‘it grows in places forgetten by men, and so is like the Tao’), the tiny delicate alpine forget-me-nots, beargrass, pink shooting stars…. These are my favorites since they represent in my memory the untold beauty and expansiveness of the mountains, reminiscent of God.

  10. ahhhh, there are so many. But here in India, I discovered what has become my absolute favorite. I have no idea of the name, but grows on a bush and comes in many different varieties. They make me smile every time I see them. They are like small bundles of happiness just bursting forth – tiny tiny flowers in small bouquets – a circle of yellow flowers surrounded by orange, then by red. I’ve seen about a dozen different color combinations – some just one color, others two or three.

  11. I like all flowers. But if I had to pick, I would choose the hibiscus and the lotus. Hibiscus for its vibrancy and expansive shape. Lotus for its purity.

  12. The thousand petaled Lotus symbolises the Sahashara Chakra.
    So easily the Lotus is the favorite flower. When one finally loses all desire then we reside in the lotus of the Sahashara and disappear.

  13. My favorite flower is the dahlia. They have so many different shapes, so many different sizes, so many different colors. Each is brilliant and perfect in its own way. I wonder if that is how Amma see us?

  14. Hibiscus reminds me of Devi

  15. LOTUS

  16. Since all flowers come from the Divine Mother, those that return to Her precious Holy Feet, and are given in thanksgiving, love, devotion, gratitude, and honor are my favorites. i think that would be the pinnacle of flowerhood. Can you imagine what those little flowers are whispering?

  17. The Rose, for me, has always been symbolic of love and my own heart. I especially love roses with fragrance. Roses are delicate yet powerful, romantic, sensitive, generous and beautiful.
    Does anyone know why Amma’s helpers use Roses to put out candle flames during devi bhava???

  18. Om Padma (Lotus) Raaga … Namah
    Om Kamalaasana (Lotus) sthitha …. Namah
    Om Kamalaakshyai (Lotus) …. Namah

    Lotus is used to the desribe the beauty of the Divine Mother, eyes, feet, complexion, softness of Her body, and the content goes on…

    Naturally, the Lotus must be the favorite of many…

  19. I love most of the flowers…. roses (esp. white), jasmine, hibiscus, and lot many other flowers. They make me happy, …I am attracted by there tenderness, purity and beauty. They remind me of AMMA’s love …love to offer them at AMMA’s lotus feet.

  20. I love all flowers… For a specific answer to the question, My favorite flower is LOTUS… It symbolizes Divinity….

  21. My favorite is Thumba poovu.
    This small flower represents purity, freshness.

    If there is a flower that typifies the habitual cleanliness and the religious obsession for inner purity of the quintessential Keralite, it is the squeaky clean, white flower of ‘Thumba’ or ‘Leucas’ also known as ‘Dhronapushpi’ in Ayurveda
    Have a look at

  22. My favorite is the sunflower. Its flowers open late in autumn and give us the grace of sun, the light and beauty. The flower reminds me of the grace of God (but actually also all the small flowers of different colours do) 🙂
    Sunflower gives me the joy and happines, just like our beloved Amma.

  23. I don’t really hvae a favorite flower. I see the beauty in all flowers. I love vibrant colors and its gentle and delicate look. Mother nature’s wonder. I LOVE AMMA!

  24. The gardenia is my favourite flower for its fragrance and its beauty and because it was the first flower that I picked to give to Amma. It symbolizes THAT Darshan…the one when I sobbed and sobbed and sobbed in Her lap after i gave it to Her.

    I was praying that we would somehow have gardenias available for sale to give to Amma on the Sydney retreat in 2004 and when I arrived at the retreat site, I noticed a row of gardenias bushes in full flower! What was amazing was that it was April…now this is nothing less than a miracle in Sydney because April is Autumn (Fall) and gardenias come out late Spring early Summer here in southern Australia. I took it as Amma’s Grace!

  25. oh what an interesting question…I just came home and bought more than 100 small plants and flowers…I really Love flowers…and it’s too difficult too choose…I love sunflowers, coz they seems to be always happy, smiling and devoted to the sun..and I love white lilys, because they are so shy and pure, and jasmin and roses..their sweet fragrance makes me think about Amma, which is the most beautiful flower. We have a lot to learn from flowers…they are not selfish, but always ready to give…

  26. I love all flowers, especially those that grow in the wild. The one that really teaches me how to live is the Lotus. The Lotus grows in muck and rises above it and it is beautiful and never complains about it’s beginnings.

  27. I like all flowers in general, because all of them have captivating beauty, fragrance which all enjoy equally whether, Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Sikh or Bodhist, Rich, poor, child, adult, man or woman, even thief or a saint alike. So all flowers gives me all positive feelings BUT i like Jasmin most because it is white (a sign of PURITY), the fragrance is just intoxicating, above all equally liked by my Ist Guru, my AMMA and me

  28. I love the flowers that lie at Amma’s feel after Padha puja or even the ones we offer at Satsang while chanting 108 names of Amma. How lucky are they to be lying and Mother’s feet and enjoying the comfort and protection of Mother. How I wait to be like one of the flowers………

  29. All flowers are just as good…all flowers have a different story to tell…a very nice story.

  30. It is Jasmine, because it got AMMAs divine Smell

  31. there’s another flower i really like very much…morning glories. the flower’s unusual shape always makes me smile.. it represents uniqueness to me…very beautiful!

  32. rose;

  33. white mandaram….bcoz its purity

  34. It is Lotus. The substractum of the plant of the Lotus is in the dirty mud but it blooms above the water and rise above towards the sun. Even though it remains in water always, the water can never wet the Lotus flower.This is only flower, we use to describe the beauty of the Lord’s feet, eyes and face.

  35. I love all flowers… For a specific answer to the question, My favorite flower is Rose and second is Lotus. Mother nature always plays beautifully according to the season.

  36. is Rose, symbol of Love.

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