Mother in Chile
Mother’s first South American tour started in Santiago, Chile. No one could expect what would come. When Mother arrived the sun was shining, the sky was blue, clear air, but it was freezing cold. It is winter time in the Southern Hemisphere of the Earth. Los Andes, the South American mountains pass by Santiago and its white snow peaks added to coldness.
Mother’s program was patronized by the Ministry of Culture and Arts of Chilean government. The place was huge, inside and outside. Despite of the cold the people started lining up for tokens two hours before the program, and the queues before and between the programs only grew every day from 8000 in the first morning darshan to over 20.000 in the Devi Bhava darshan. Not even a single person asked for a priority token, many waited for the full day, without any complaints. Despite of the huge crowds and about one thousand who received a mantra from Amma, everything went well. There is no Amma satsang group in Chile. Only a hand full people had met Amma before. To the good functioning added also the fact that 60 Spanish devotees came from Spain exclusively to help in the darshans doing line control, instructed in mantras, etc. Many Chilean people told to them that for a couple of hundreds of years ago the Spaniards came with swords to kill and steal their treasures. Now they came with Amma’s love and compassion. We can imagine what a treasure they will get back now after Mother’s blessings!
The program in Chile was a phenomenon itself and there will be an article in Matruvani with more details.
Mother’s all first bhajans in this continent were:
Kripa ho teri
Sri Krishna saranam
Iswari jagad ishwari (in Spanish)
Amma Amma Taye
Mano buddhya
Om Namah Shivaya
Jinki karuna he
In the second bhajans Mother sung several new bhajans including Mata rani. The people applauded to all bhajans, but I listened carefully and felt that Sri Krishna saranam and mata rani got the most applauds.
The funny thing during the darshan was that as soon as the first sounds of tabla sounded in the air many people started dancing. It was like turning a dancing button on. Wherever they were on the stage doing seva, lining up for darshan or just watching, they started dancing. It looked really innocent and natural. They all danced in the same way which gave to it harmony. There was no pretension nor it was wild. Dancing and music are an inseparable part of the Latin American culture. During the devi bhava night they played salsa” the typical dancing music in Latin America and danced in front of Amma. It was a kind of spiritualized ‘salsa’.
During the Devi Bhava’s Devi Puja there were so many people that 500 of them had to go to a separate hall getting instructions through Internet connection. This also shows the eagerness the Chilean people had to get all the benefit of Amma’s presence. Usually the Latin American people are loud, noisy, if something goes wrong. But during the programs they sat quiet even though the screen went black many times. During the meditation also thousands of people closed their eyes and looked as if they had meditated for years, but most of them had never meditated before.
Ahalya, Rio, Brazil, 31 July 2007