20 Feb 2007 AshramDiary

Prasad Day

Today was meditation and Prasad day. It is always a highlight of the week to receive Prasad from Amma. There is something in it that makes one feel all round good. Normal food might make the belly full but Prasad goes to the depths of ones being and seems to give total nourishment. Also one gets the feeling that through the Prasad Amma can enter the mind and body to a certain degree in order to purify the inner essence. A certain amount of tuning happens so to say. I think it is true also of all food dedicated to God. Also sitting and eating in the presence of a Mahatma is a very intimate and sweet experience. I remember many years ago Amma would sometime feed us with Her own hands. It was indescribably sweet, as it was also when She used to wash our faces while bathing in a river or lake. Now there are of course too many people for Her to do that anymore, except sometimes during darshan. But still Amma gives bhasma and a candy to everyone who comes to Her and a plate of food once a week. So some adjustments are there but still Amma gives an endless flow of Prasad and thus purifies all around.

Tonight when Amma walked onto the stage She looked so full of vitality and radiance that I must admit I was “gone” so to say. The songs were:

Jai Gopalaka Jai Hitakari

Irul Tingi Valarunnu

Amme Ulakam

New Song

Agamanta Porule

Bala Gopala (New Song)

Niyentre Vera

Om Namah Shivaya

Jago Ma Kali

There were quite a few new ones tonight along with beautiful classics like Amme Ulakam and Agamanta Porule. Amma went into a deep state of devotion again during Agamanta Porule and tears just kept rolling out the corner of Her eye, which She one by one wiped away before they could fall. If only I could catch one.


20 Feb 2007

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