Here is now Q2:

“What is the first thing that you think of when you wake up in the morning?”

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Please make your answers short and clearly understandable.

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Over 50 answers came to the Q1! That was a result that we had not expected.
Smiles to all!

Join the conversation! 80 Comments

  1. ha ha! another day has come.

  2. Dear God, Thank you for this day. Thank you for my life. Thank you for all the love in my life. Thank you for Amma.

  3. If I miss the alarm, “Amme, I’m late.”
    If I hear the alarm, “Did I get enough sleep? Maybe I need 5 more mins…”

  4. Amma! And before I step out of bed I thank Mother Earth.

  5. shoud live like AMMA’s child

  6. Gail, grateful to be in the in moment of now.

  7. The prayer..”Amma give me the stength to face everything today”

  8. what would amma be doing now ? getting ready ,reading letters discussing ashram matters,practising bhajans, ,scolding someone ,carresing like a mother ,in deep thinking of her chldren giving darshan ……..

  9. Goal: my mantra

    In Reality:
    ‘What time is it now? Is there enough time to do my practices before breakfast?’

  10. i reflect on how happy and cozy i feel waking up in Amritapuri. Only in childhood did i feel such happiness and security when waking up as i do here. even in sleep some current of bliss continues due to Amma’s sankalpa in this place.

  11. Amma? Am I with Amma?

  12. Amma and my Mantra

  13. Amma always, Jai Ma !

  14. I wish I could say I think about Her Holy Feet, but the truth is, I usually think, “is the shower available?”

  15. my mantra…
    then my dreams…
    then my addictions…mostly caffeine…

  16. Do I have time to sleep for another 15 minutes, meditate and do corpse pose and be on time for work?
    Strange…traffic seems to flow better if I meditate.

  17. I remember AMMA

  18. The first thing I think of is about “AMMA”

  19. I think of those things I did the previous day which AMMA would not approve of and take a resolve not to repeat them.

  20. I repeat a prayer that Amma mentions in one of Her books for us to say when we wake up:

    Let me not hurt anyone in thought, word or deed.
    Be with me Always.
    Be with me in thoughts, words and deeds.
    Let me remember you constantly.
    Let me do good for others.”

  21. Uhoh its already 9.30 O-)

  22. My baby wakes me up over the monitor. If she’s saying something cute, than the first thing I do is giggle. If it’s early and she’s fussing, then the first thing I think is, “Will she go back to sleep? Amma, please make her go back to sleep!” But, from now on, I want my first thought to be my mantra.

  23. OH! I must see AMMAS photo before i see anyone else’s face…

  24. I will be very honest: Most of the time, I think that I have to go pee! And if not, I think of how much sleep I could still get… honestly…

  25. Everyday it is a different thought.. but most of the times i wake up by seeing Amma’s photo near me… sometimes some weird memory of dreams… I always pray that no dream should be there without Amma… but it sometimes happens …

  26. My youngest son usually wakes me up with lots of kisses, then he runs away. When I am totally awaken I think: please Amma give me the wisdom to live this day as You wish. But before that I wonder what time is it..

  27. Oops! its day time.. now i have to get up from this bed and go do some work…
    and I hope that I would be with AMMA for some time of the day…

  28. I close my eyes and see Amma and thank her for giving me this beautiful morning

  29. 1)Touch Mother earth before stepping down
    2) Amme! Narayana!
    3) How many days more for the weekend so that i can sleep more?

  30. Sometimes I wake up with a Bhajan in my mind or a Taize-Song. But most of the time the first thought in my mind is: “Oh no! I don’t wanna get up!” And the next one is a cry for Amma.
    Before stepping out of bed I touch the ground and thank Mother Earth for carrying us all.

  31. I simply pray Amma to take care of my children….

  32. Amma let your hands be my hands and do what I need to do today. Are you hearing the cry of my heart Amma? Please keep my husband alive

  33. Let me remember You every moment, only you, not me, only you….

  34. I might simply remember a dream.
    If not, I’ll think of my school duties and pray to Amma that my day goes according to Her plan.

  35. It changes from day to day.

  36. I usually wake up with a bhajan playing in my head. I think that my first thought is generally noticing what the bhajan is and singing with it a bit.

  37. Well, because I have pictures of Amma all around my bed I do think of Amma first when I wake up. But mostly in the context of: “O, Ma, please let me sleep just a little bit longer…I can meditate later today… ” And then I wake up again much much later, only to find out it’s already very late to start any kind of spiritual practices… hmmm.

  38. Generally it is to look at the alarm clock and want to sleep longer! Then I typically say the prayer “Matrudevo bhava, Pithrudevo bhava and Acharyadevo bhava”.

  39. Look to see if it is time to get up. If not, Chant my mantra go back to sleep, if yes chant my mantra and go to the shower and do my practices.

  40. My Mantra -> Where am I? -> Awareness of my individuality -> Morning prayers

  41. Thank you Amma that I am alive as of now. Please give me the attitude to surrender my ego and give me the strength to do more service to Amma.

  42. One more day has gone without realising God!!! Atleast today help me to acheive the goal.

  43. the first thing i do after waking up is look at the photo of AMMA and pray to her to guide my actions

  44. first i look at the clock, then “good morning Amma! are you there?” a kiss . . . and out of bed to do archana

  45. Get out of the bed (preferably to my right side). Look into my open palms (both hands together)and pray to AMMA to take care of my day ahead.

  46. “Ugh! Is it really time to get up?!?” But thoughts of Amma follow not long after. :oD

  47. First I get Amma’s photo from my side and kiss her a “Good morning”… I admire her lovely face for a while and hope and pray that I stay focussed and positive and I be available to help atleast one person in need today!

  48. Honestly sayin, the first thing I think of when I wake up is, ‘how much more time can I sleep, if I shudn’t be late to school?’ …

  49. When I’m awake, I always keep saying to myself – I should start a day with a smile and my day will be better!
    lolz…But I always have a grumpy start with a “hmmm” meaning – “Do I have to wake up NOW?”

  50. Look at AMMA’S photo & say “AMMA OM NAMAH SIVAYA”

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