Question 8:

“What is your favorite animal? Why? What qualities do you see in it?”

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Join the conversation! 38 Comments

  1. Cow… Full of Love. Bliss-filled. Pure
    Everything related to COW is most sacred…

  2. I love all animals. So, it is difficult to choose. Any animal with a nice character and life loving/happy nature I guess. A puppy, horse or dolphin would be the favorite probably… Or maybe a friend bird, free in the sky…

  3. sparrow… the way they chirp, bound around happily on the ground, fly through the air. And you don’t see them as roadkill anywhere.
    I also remember one year during Rhode Island Devi Bhava, a sparrow flew into the hall and landed a few feet in front of Amma, then on the lights. It did this a few times – unbothered by the crowd and movement.

  4. My favorite animal is a cat… meooow!!!!
    I have been living all my childhood amidst cats and I admire them for the way they show selfless love and affection without expecting anything in return.. for the warmth and tenderness that they carry and share…
    they make me happy when I am in their company and they have the ability to bring a smile to my face each time I see them…

  5. i cannot answer this question, for if i did, each time i gazed upon another animal, i would cry because i had not chosen the one i would beholding in the present.

  6. Dolphins

  7. Love to see myself before mirror… orangutan…!!!

  8. I don’t know why but i have always like Osprey‘s, such a magnificent bird. Soaring in the sky, so free.

  9. I love all animals, but the ones I have most experience with is the Dog. They are reminders of how I as a spiritual seeker should be. They live in the present moment, dedicated to their master, surrendered to their situation and circumstances, always happy and wagging their tails when they see you, do not judge, but can discern when threathened – it is no wonder they are called man’s best friend for centuries. I would call them man’s best friend & teacher.

  10. My favorite animal is any bird. Since I was little this is true. Besides being beautiful and interesting, they are also very ‘thought-free’, which is an aspiration of mine, and I envy this quality, not to mention their ability to fly.

  11. Human…….so interesting and so much to learn from and so much of love to give to 🙂

  12. I have a long list of my favorite animals…squirrel, rabbit, dog, cat, monkey, donkey, elephant, cow, all types of birds, ants ..etc..etc can’t say which is my most favorite..i think most of them are veggies…love to watch them because they are the most innocent and beautiful creations of AMMA..they don’t do anything against the nature’s laws.

  13. Royal Bengal Tiger. (Panthera tigris)
    They are the mostly solitary creatures, They are Brave, and unlike most other cats, tigers are fond of water and are strong swimmers.
    Other than man, tigers have no natural predators.

  14. I believe that Lord Krishna’s favorite animal was the Cow…
    Therefore Cow is my favorite and most sacred animal too…
    It only has good qualities to serve the mankind…

  15. I would like to say COW but cows a mother and not an animal. The word animal itself is not a nice word.

  16. Humans. They’re very interesting to watch, and have a gift of devotion to the religion they choose.
    On the imaginary side, the phoenix. It is very encouraging, the phoenix burns, then is reborn from the ashes. And it never dies because of its gift of burning.

  17. Love all the animals, they live harmoniously with Mother Nature, they know and perform their role. My favourites are the birds, (the eagle in particular) love to listen to their beautiful singing, watch them soar the sky, than dissapear at the horizon, birds are alert, live in present,ready to fly away any moment, birds are free – free of bondage.

  18. From childhood itself i am very much fascinated about the elephant … its expansiveness makes me spellbound …. above all its representation as Lord Ganesha is best thing ever to happen … all the qualities of an elephant are very much to be practised in life.. especially non-duality…

  19. Dog and Cow

  20. The Lion – An animal that represents Grace, strength,Patience and dignity. Magnificient creation of God.

  21. Question to Swati:
    i dont know whether we can ask question here. if no, forget this post.
    this is about swati’s post. i was not able to understand the relation between an Elephant and Non-duality.

  22. I’ve considered this for a few days….and I don’t think I have a favorite. I love all the animals…but tonight I thought about the one I like the least….because I am severely allergic to them…ferrets…. From this I see that we usually say we like or love something because of how they make US feel. So I really should not say I like or love the ferret any less just because they make me physically ill. And the same would hold true for people…I just choose not to be around the people and others that are a detriment to my health.

  23. I admire all animals, mainly because they each reflect an aspect of life, which i would want to cultivate in my life. Birds for their detachment and freedom, cows for their loving care, tigers for their majesty, elephants for their high self control(i mean what they dont do, even they can with their size and how they are physically equipped). All animals reflect something which we need to discover in ourselves.

  24. a donkey. This is so as, a donkey bears all the burden without any compliants, which is symbolic of the patience that needs to be cultivated by a spiritual person.

  25. The king of the jungle of course! The majestic beauty!….and the spiritual aspirant is urged to be like a Lion against his inner enemies -absolutely firm and fierce…..moreover, he is the vehicle for my favorite diety…Goddess Durga!

  26. after reading the question, when i went through the answers i saw something there. even though every one mentions one name or another, they are all not attracted by the animal’s physical aspects. they are attracted by the quality of that animal. right?
    and they are not animalistic qualities. they are divine qualities.

    when we have these qualities we will be loved, we will attract others. otherwise we are just an animal

    human animal is the best and the worst, he can become god and he can destroy the world just by pressing a button.

    but i like dogs — for their dedication, commitment, sacrifice, faith and love for their master.

  27. Mine would be elephant. This is because even though it is huge, it has a gentle nature. I admire the grace and beauty.
    My husband’s is the tiger. It is concealed most of the time and does not bother anyone. But when needed it can be ferocious and achieves its task.

  28. Rabbit: gentle, kind and loving

  29. I love elephants! They are awesome animals and they are the best!! They are big, majestic, and gentle. They are beautiful and I just love them so much.

  30. i love dogs;they are so loving and protective.

  31. i dont have any favorite animal…as i dont have much experience with them..but i like all vegeterian animals..they dont do any harm to others even for their food…but yet all other animals incliding human use them and kill them…

  32. I love Dolphins…soo loving, clever and good hearted I feel!!!

  33. Wha! It is the elephant. I don’t know why. i like elephants very much. In my childhood i was fascinated when they were brought to the temple festivals or and when they went to the river for a bath. i also rode on elephants in the occation of Temple Utsavam. And if the elephant was tied in our residence compound and wouldn’t go to school!

  34. I like cows and goats. They are gentle and giving. They don’t attack and can barely protect themselves. I like dolphins for how they swim and play in the waters. dogs – because they are faithful. Once you take care of them, no matter what we do to hurt them, they won’t hurt us. Cats, for their focus. And the Royal Bengal Tiger. for its beauty, strength and Durga connection.

  35. my favourite animal is the dog.. i can watch a dog with its master for hours ..i love their innocence and their complete faith in their master.. even if he’s being put to sleep by his master his eyes will only reflect pure love, devotion and surrender ..a dog is loyal beyond compare cant bribe a dog to leave his master ..he will starve to death if he has to but his longing and waiting for his master will stay intense till his last breath. Amma when will i ever be your little puppy ever joyful until i die???

  36. My favorite is the dog because it is the one I know the most and have had most contact with. A dog’s qualities are both positive and negative like humans so that is one of the reasons. I though to say a monkey or a chimpanze but I’ve not personally known one. I’ve seen them and their eyes are so amazing! So monkey would be my second and Elephant would be my third because they are strong and gentle.

  37. Cow, because cow is most sacred animal second is Dog which shows pure love, devotion and surrender to their master or owner,like we ammas children do.

  38. Mum,
    Dog is favourite animal, because is Loyal.

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