Question 34:
“What makes flowers so special to look at, smell and admire? What is the secret behind a flower?
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  1. Flowers take most of their short life to open and then for a short time let
    “flow the shakti from its essence,” or to have its ‘scent’ present and appear so beautiful to us. This is most lovely representing of our lives on this Earth, for life is so short yet we, caught and slain by Goddess Maya, think and feel we live forever. We are no different from the flower. Most flowers last one day, at most two, once fully bloomed and cut.

  2. Their fragrance, beauty, various colours. and they spread the fragrance for others without any expectations. There is a secret message behind this: we should also be like flowers spreading our love, help, kind words to everyone without any expectation. This is also a taught to us by beloved AMMA.

  3. I don´t know the secret, but I think flowers are one of the biggest miracles of God. They deliver the love and good feelings like angels. I love flowers, the colours, the shapes and the good fragrances they have around them. They uplift us to be in positive mood and help during our sorrows. So thank you flowers! 🙂

  4. Aum Padmapriyayai Namah – Salutations to Mother who’s fond of lotus flower
    AMMA and also the great master Paramahansa Yogananda describe, that the very beauty and fragrance of the flower imply the presence of God in it. When we touch the softness of the flower, smell and relish its fragrance, they tell us to see God in in it.
    AMMA says when we pluck a flower from the plant, we must seek the forgiveness for hurting the plant.
    AMMA’s Famous Quote : Think of the Creator behind the creations…

  5. I think the vibrant colors, form and sweet fragrance make them special… They fill our hearts with so much love and inspiration… I admire them because they have a quality to be loved and liked by everyone and are blessed to be offered at Amma’s padam…

    The secret behind is their purity, selflessness and love that they exhibit to everyone alike…

  6. i do not know the answer to this, and just this week i was thinking about the spiritual meaning of the flower and its offering to religious ceremony?
    I love flowers and always feel sad when they are picked, for that picking is when they are taken from their life source, but i love when flowers are given for honor of the sacred and feel it is a life of honor for them and the Sacred. Flowers that fall from plants and trees, then fruit and vegetables come forth that sustains life for others is a beautiful sacred image.

  7. Simplicity in their life span. Nature means for all, for universe, that maybe the secret.

  8. Flowers are so gentle, delicate, and simple, but at the same time so pretty. They share their fragrance and beauty to everyone. For bees to pollinate, for us to enjoy the fragrance, the vibrant colors. NO matter what, all they do is share. You can feel their love and happiness when they are watered or loved. So much like Amma!

  9. For me, because flowers represent freshness, natural beauty and happiness, like God.

  10. It’s almost as if flowers were created simply to be offered. so many times in the scriptures, it is said that flower petals rain down from the heavens during auspicious moments. while we may not be able to see it, I’m sure that it always raining Amritapuri.

  11. It’s pure, tender, and adds beauty to the surroundings …I believe the attraction shows our innate nature and the connection with the Supreme

  12. Esthetically, flowers are one of the top most beautiful, colorful and charming ‘friends’ on our planet.
    They usually also offer sweet and rich fragrances. They inspire purity in us.
    Their life is short, so they don’t claim much. Still what they offer (for a human’s consciousness) is so rich and valuable.
    They are universal symbols in spirituality, religious ceremonies, poetry, artistic work and provide the most rich expression for humans loving feelings… May all of Amma’s children hearts be like flowers…

  13. During One of the Onam Celebrations in Ashram, Amma, Looking at thousands of her Children who had gathered around her in the Big bhajan hall, said That she sees a Big Flower Decoration (pookkalam) in Front of her.
    i think, There are so many flowers, Big, Small, Beautiful, not so beautiful, Red, Yellow, White, Mixed colors….
    Each Flower has its own beauty and fragrance. Amma Loves all flowers in her Huge Garden Equally… I am happy to Know that I am also in her garden. i am not beautiful as other flowers, don’t have fragrance as others have, .. but still………… i am also a flower in AMMA s Garden.

  14. The principle of spiritual evolution of the soul & the patience involved is the eternal message every flower bears as it unfolds in its own time and blooms to full glory of Self awareness, spreading peace, fragrance & joy. Force or haste drawn from impatience on the other hand does the opposite. Patience, oh soul..patience..thus chants God, as She works away on the soul flower!!!

  15. Purity, innocence,colour. In my childhood days I used to buy seeds of plants and and sow them. When the plant grows up and the first flower sprouts it was a celebration. Whenever I spend time with plants and flowers I feel very relaxed and energized. Thank God for this extraordinary creation. I cant even imagine of a world without plants and flowers.

  16. Babies:Humans::Flowers:Plants

  17. They spread so much joy and happiness throughout everyone they come in contact with.

  18. wherever i see beauty in creation (infact everything is beautiful…) my mind mind goes to the beauty behind that creation. If the manifested is this beautiful how beautiful will be the unmanifested, the intelligence behind the creation…?

    Aum Vyapinyayi Namaha..

  19. i think the flower is eternally beautiful because its whole life is an offering. its beauty, its fragrance, is all an offering. it can’t move, can’t talk, it can only bloom to be an offering. an offering of love that is plucked from its parent and passed from hand to hand while its hoping that someone will place it at the Feet of its Beloved. And because its life is an offering that longs for the Divine Feet, no matter where it is put it will look beautiful and spread happiness and fragrance.
    may Amma make our lives an offering unto Her Divinity. may we all bloom into flowers to merge at Her Lotus Feet.

  20. Flowers are another beautiful creation of the creator. They are so pretty soft and gentle. Flowers are compared to the pure heart of the devotees doing archana at the Lotus feet of the Lord. When one sees a beautiful bloomed fresh Rose it generates love in the mind and a wish to offer it at the Lotus feet of the lord or to the beloved. The flowers give its nectar to the bees without any expectation of return.

  21. They are the face of plants. They just are. No mind to bother them. No bad memories, no sensory leakages and they save up lots of tejas. From bud-to-bud-again is a short time and they are very focused about spending it happily and fruitfully, either by becoming an offering, a beautiful decoration or a resting place for insects.

  22. Fragrance, beauty, various colours. and they spread the fragrance for others without any expectation They spread so much joy and happiness throughout everyone they come in contact with.In fact u can talk and share your feelings with them
    At the end u feel energetic being with them.

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