Question 37:
“When you know that you hurt someone through action or word, do you usually succeeded in going back to apologize? When was the last time you did that?
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  1. yes, few days ago

  2. When I offend another and know it, I readily apologize.
    “The sin of causing tears in an innocent person is more harmful than any evil deed.” —Amma.
    For this reason, I have no problem apologizing to any one.
    However, I must confide that I live with people that for the most part do not speak English that I can understand easily, so there is little communication with the lips in the last year or so.

  3. Yes, definitly! It would be very rude if you didn’t!
    I haven’t offended anyone in a while, so I haven’t apologized in a while!!

  4. yes. i apologize when i hurt someone. mostly that person to whom i apologize is my husband. sometimes we have our arguments and if i say something really mean or rude, later i feel sorry knowing well that Amma is watching everything and so i say a sorry to him with all my heart, knowing that Amma will surely forgive me.

  5. If it’s a genuine one and I am aware of it, then I apologize. Last year I was able to do that to a friend whose situation I was not able to comprehend earlier. But as I understood her situation I was able to let go of my stand and apologise. However I need to grow more in awareness and manage expectations better.

  6. After being with Amma for many years, I have learned that it helps to apologize as soon after – whether right or wrong, when I express anger or resentment or any bad feeling directly at someone. It helps so much to deflate the incident and, in all situations has helped me and the other person accept our points of view and understand our initial reaction.
    I still feel though that there are karmic ramifications even though one has apologized. Amma has told a story (I hope I recall correctly) about a teacher who asked his student to put a nail in a fence every time he hurt another person. Then after many nails, he told him to take them out for each good thing he did. Afterwards – the teacher pointed to the holes and said ‘Those holes are the scars that your words and actions have left. They cannot be taken away….’

  7. By AMMA’s grace, I try to the best possible extent, not to hurt anyone by word or thought. In case, there is a mistake, I immediately without shame or guilt try to rectify it with the right deeds. The right balances the wrong.

  8. Yes I do. I do apologize immediately when I realize that I made a mistake. Earlier times I used do it quite often. Now I don’t even remember when I did last time. Yah.. I apoligized to my daughter during my last vacation for not fulfilling my promise.

  9. yes, i do apologize. y’day when i found one of my friends was unhappy about one fault from my side, i apologized to her and decided not to repeat the mistake again. But i need the blessings of AMMA to implement that … praying to AMMA……………

  10. Yes. If I am wrong and I have hurt someone, I do so. I also confess in front of AMMA. AMMA teaches us that we should always confess to GOD whatever we do whether it is bad or good. AMMA is GOD. I bow down to my AMMA”s lotus feet.

  11. prevention is better than cure… easy to say, difficult to practise….though i’ve tried to keep a check on my temper, sometimes i end up a failure…..but then the repentent ‘me’ quickly goes and apologizes to the person hurt..and always succeeds in that…:)….i always try to imagine that ammachi is in place of the person i’m angry with….and most of the time it works….moreover such people to whom i’ve apologised have always later turned out to be friends for life…..

  12. With Amma’s grace, I could develop the habit to apologize whenever I feel I had hurt somebody’s feelings without even trying to analyse whether I was wrong or right….

  13. normally i dont apologize… even if i hurt someone really bad…
    i should learn to do it…

  14. I try my best not to hurt anyone through my actions or words… but if I end up hurting someone, I do apologize to the person the moment I realize it.

  15. Wow, omg, that’s a question! It really depends what I do.
    When my parents find faults with me, I get mad at them and say rude stuff and don’t apologize and if I do, it’s not whole heartedly.
    If it’s with someone else, I think I’m pretty good at apologizing. Last time I had to apologize was 10 minutes ago because I text messaged way over the cell phone bill, and no I did not say sorry politely. I should learn from my mistakes.

  16. Yes, definitely if i hurt some body i apologize. I had an habit of hurting my beloved whenever I was upset, but i used to apologize when I calmed down. Deliberately i wish to never hurt anyone. But what to do? It happens sometimes.

  17. I try my best not to hurt anyone through my actions or words. but if I end up hurting someone (not deliberately}. I do apologize to the person he/she,young or old. Don’t mind.Used to stand near Ammas picture and tell her Sorry once again.

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