Question 53:
“Who do you find more affinity with: poets, philosophers or scientists? Why?”

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  1. With ALL Three :-
    A Poet has Highest quality of HEART.
    A Philosoper has Highest quality of [inward looking / related to SUBTLE PLANE/INTELLECT.
    A Scientist has Highest quality of [outward looking / related to GROSS PLANE/INTELLECT.
    In AMMA you can all these three qualities.

  2. I care not for the worlds ego minds. When I was younger and not knowing that Blessed Amma was always with me, I would look to various members of all three fraternities. Like Longfellow, Aristotle or Godel/Einstein.
    But these men were all full of the Ego and I care not for any.
    Only Blessed Amma and this is my personal choice, this is what I would say to anyone who asked me this question. This is not my philosophy or ideology.
    This is my simple, pure Truth.

  3. I have deep affinities with all three. But much more for poets and philosopher. The best would be a poet with the gift to express the deepest philosophical and spiritual ideals in a way that inspires and teaches the reader… No ego is present then; such a being becomes a vehicle for Truth, Inner Beauty and Harmony…

  4. ahhh three need to be seen as one , one without the others becomes stagnant in its core of essence , Amma certainly represents three aspects. I have affinity for anyone having these three faucets in themselves and greater life.

  5. i hold each with respect and am able to listen to all three groups. nowadays much is filtered through Amma’s teachings and the expression of her being. i do not think i relate to the word affinity in this question through a compare and contrast, but rather a deeper affinity that is within all and is the ground of our being. i am not a poet, a philosopher, or a scientist, and much that i read and listen to is beyond my ability to truly understand. i am just begining to hear the deeper ground of the expressions, and the inquiry. So many ways, levels, layers, and veils of expressing the most base questions of our being. Who Am I ? Who and How am i to be in relationship? What is real? What is Truth? I find affinity there. i so trust it is all Amma’s grace and drawing all back to the One.

  6. All three I respect and listen to.

  7. I think all are important and close to my heart. Without either, the world wouldn’t be what it is. The scientist makes the statement, philosopher analyzes it, and the poet interprets what he sees it as.

  8. i always loved poets, being one myself…..its a beautiful feeling … birth to poetry…….like motherhood..:) a poet, the world is a place of beauty….the embalmed darkness, the muskrose, full of dewy wine, the murmur of flies……a poet always flies on the viewless wings of fantasy……….even when the brain is dull and perplexed, a poet flies to heaven……only a poet can fade away and leave the world unseen and forget the weariness, fever and fret and sorrow……..
    philosophers and scientists are pinned down to earth…..they are never free …they dont have wings…………only a poet can have dreams……..only they can listen to the divine music……………

  9. never felt it that way. i felt affinity to poems. not to poets. felt affinity to Philosophies not to philosophers. and i felt affinity to science not to scientists… No…. Never

  10. i like the poet because A poet can explore his inner world like a scientist, and know the basic truth like a philosopher and not only that he can describe God’s beauty and greatness beautifully, poetically to others too !!

  11. The one quality does not exclude the other …
    The best scientist must be a great philosopher.
    The best philosopher must be a great poet.
    The best poet must know the scientific art.
    The one who has all qualities within shines as long as there is Sun in the sky and life on the Earth …
    And AMMA is the Mother of all scientists, philosophers and poets who lived, are living, and shall be born to live …

  12. The scientist watches the flower and discovers its functioning in awe if he has the heart of a poet.
    The philosopher thinks and discovers the endless space in which thoughts move if he has the heart of a poet.
    The poet uses his thoughts to picture in words the beauthy of the beating heart of life, becouse he is a poet.
    What would be the philosopher and the scientist without the heart of a poet?
    More like a freezer he would be! I think

  13. I am most drawn to poets. If they are of a high order, then even though areligious, they are almost one with the universe, like a saint. People who know Indian philosophy are interesting -sometimes too careful. People who have studied western philosophy ?…I don’t know. Scientists are interesting if they are full of excitement and delving into matters of the living world around us. The best of all three categories are like angels who fell from the spiritual path in some life (perhaps because of what Chetan says).

  14. When I’m with Amma I see the scientist, philosopher and poet in Her. When I read Vyasa’s Mahabharata, Kalidas’s Ramayana, Yogananda’s Gita interpretation, etc. I feel great love for poetry, philosophy and science contained within. Outside of it is all delusion and ego.
    I work very closely with the scientists. As much as they try to do good, they unintentionally create confusion and more problems, and they themselves are pretty much all ego, so far away from the humble, all loving – God. The very interest to find the truths that drives them to be the scientists, takes them so deep into delusion, that they even condemn spirituality and the existence of God!

  15. As a trained scientist myself, I have more affinity to them. Many experiences around our beloved AMMA may defy direct scientific reasoning. I can come to terms with it and still be a scientist.

  16. Who are they? Not only now but when I was in my teens then also I was never drawn to any of them. But after meeting my darling AMMA in whom I find the universe I am only aware of the existence of my AMMA. She is everything to me.

  17. even though i can be called a scientist i appreciate poets. all science and philosophy can be easily expressed in poems. science has limtations, philosophy can be food for the mind but poetry could take you to the threshold of liberation. its a divine gift worth seeking for just to glorify amma.

  18. with all three probably.
    poet – I am a dreamer!
    philosophers and scientist – my mind makes lots of noise!

  19. 1st with the philosopher, coz we have so much to talk about, discuss and share.
    2nd with the poet, coz of the love and sensitivity he is made of, and which i appreciate A LOT.

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