16 Jun 2008 Question

Q64: Favorite Tree?

Question 64:
“What is your favorite tree or plant? Why? What does it symbolize for you?

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  1. The coconut tree. It gives me the lesson that we should be hard from outside and sweet within. It is also very difficult to pluck a coconut from the plant as it is on heights. When we get the coconut, first we have to peel the layers and then break the shell than only we taste the sweet fruit. It symbolises that to reach AMMA we have to go through various procedures and when we reach in her tight hug we feel deep solace and taste her real sweetness.

  2. Tulasi and the Jasmine plants are my favourites.
    Tulasi is a very sacred plant and is worhiped for its holiness.
    Jasmine is a very fragrant flower plant offered to Lord Shiva.

  3. I don’t have a favorite plant. They are all important in their own way. As for trees– any that I can climb!!! But really, how can I like one kind of tree above another. It’s like liking one kind of human better then another, when on the inside, we’re all the same!

  4. Tulasi. Tulasi is very holy plant. It has got a lot of medicinal properties. You look the tulasi plant itself it gives peace of mind.

  5. Tulsi – It symbolizes humility, surrender and endless devotion to me…

  6. The Peepal Tree.
    It’s huge, beautiful, elegant, high; It’s simply great 🙂
    For me it symbolizes ‘moksha’ or the real knowledge of the self. it reminds me of Lord Buddha too.

  7. The banyan tree. It just makes me wonder what would have made Lord say “Amongst trees I am the Banyan Tree”, and Amma always asks to chant the same chapter (15th) from Bhagavad Gita as well. So, trying to understand the deeper meaning of this tree.

  8. Peepal trees are full of light and give shelter and food to a huge variety of birds. The Amritapuri pipal tree, in front of the accomodation office, has a special light quality in its leaves in the evenings. Banyan trees are amazing in how they can go on growing for huge distances, providing shade to all. In the scriptures they are called the noble trees for they have fruits without flowering. Good karma from last life. Laburnums are outstanding when covered with their Atlas jewellery flowers.

  9. Gosh I love all trees! Tall, short, lean, round, blooming in spring, green in summer, multi-colored leaves in autumn, and covered with snow in winter. Best of all, I feel uplifted when I see branches and leaves swaying in the wind. It’s as if the entire universe is expressing its joy. It makes me feel joyful too. Trees also make me think, especially the oak. Such a small seed. Big, big tree. Amma says Self-realization is already within us, like a majestic tree within the tiny seed. If only I could figure that out!

  10. All trees are a wonder. Recently have become intrigued by the ” ta prom temple in Cambodia”. It was built in the 12th century. Dedicated to Prajnaparamita who was the personification of the perfection of wisdom—the Mother of all buddhas. It was deserted 500 years ago. During the years it was lost in the jungle, the huge ancient trees grew up through the temple, with huge snake like roots to brace the structures. The trees perserved the temple from destruction. I see AMMA at many levels when i think of these temple trees.

  11. Kanikonna (Casia fistula)is my favourite tree & my favourite plant is tulasi.Both are divine & is associated with Krishna.Kanikonna is always a treat to the eyes.It reminds us of the Vishu kani & a new beginning.Tulasi is always dear to Kannan& is divine.It always remind us about Krishna & hence brings divine thoughts to our mind.Dont Amma look great with a Tulasi garland while giving darshan.(of course she always look great)

  12. This morning i leaned against a tree and i felt this beauthiful soft loving energie embracing me with great care . I feel trees are my friends. I can allways lean on them when i feel sad and they will teach me to relax. I have no favorite tree. Nice that you are asking today!

  13. My favorite tree is the Banyan tree which is very commonly seen in the Kerala temple premises and not so common in household premises. For me the sight of the Banyan tree brings Nostalgic memories of my childhood when life used to be more peaceful. We used to enjoy the school vacations playing around in the temple premises under the Banyan trees etc…
    Among plants, my favorite plant is Tulasi and obviously I think there is no need to explain why….

  14. All trees and plants….can’t choose a particular one. All are my favorites. The beauty of the nature is splendid!

  15. My favorite tree is outside my room window. Many birds nest in this tree and I love watching them fly back and forth and to hear them chirping all the time. Lots of squirrels play around this tree and is fun to watch them. It gives great shade in summer from the afternoon sun and allows sunlight in the winter when all the leaves are gone. This tree often reminds me of Amma, taking care and giving so much joy and bliss to everyone that stops to rest under Amma’s radiance.

  16. I love environment around me more than humans around… Feels like how these creatures live there life without any complaints. I love eveything, spares my time with them especially cows, plants. So there is no choice….!!! Love seems flowing around from our beloved Mother.. 🙂

  17. The frangipani. For the unusual shape of the tree, the beautiful flowers and fragrance!
    And we can have fresh flowers without cutting them, because they fall before fading.

  18. The great and stately Banyan Tree (Ficus benghalensis), the tree of immortal fame and glory. Banyan is God verily, it not only provides shade but also purifies the air. Circumabulations around the tree are regarded sacred, and the person reclining/walking under it can breathe clean, fresh air (that is soooo difficult to find these days, what with all the polluted air). Plus, wasn’t it under that great tree that Buddha attained enlightenment? 🙂

  19. So many types of trees inspire and uplift my soul, but I do not remember their names. In Sri Lanka’s Botanical Gardens, I came across at least 3 or 4 that were incredible – huge trunks maybe 15 feet across, smooth, going way way up. Then in Ft. Cochin, I found myself drawn to what appeared to be tree covered hills in the distance – turned out to be the canopies of about a half dozen humongous trees with these tremendous branches reaching up what appeared to be more than 100 ft. Below the huge canopy and branches was a full park with benches and pathways. It was a wonderful sight.

  20. One of my favorite trees since I’ve known Amma is the apple tree. Why? Because the first fruit I offered to her after darsham was an apple that because of her grace I was allowed to give her. Since then apples remind me of her presence and a connection to the earth in a very special way. Thanks Amma:-).

  21. All plants and all trees carry a lesson for those who are ready to receive. I have no favorite kind of plant or tree because I am constantly changing and so are my favorite things. When the ego stops changing, there will be no more favorites and so, all trees will be my favorites. So why nit start by choosing all of them now?

  22. The Banyan tree..
    It reminds us the creativity of God.. and at the same time to think how small we are…!!!

  23. Nasturtiums are beautiful, plentiful, colourful, bountiful, helpful to men, animals and other plants.

  24. The “weeping willow”, coz its grand and humble at the same time, beautiful and shy, always green, and always happy regardless of its name!

  25. Baniyan tree. It is a holy tree and in front of most of temple in Kerala we can see it. Have you ever noticed the fruit of a banyan tree? Very small and each and every fruit contains thousands of seeds. The seed of a Banyan is too small like a mustard seed. But imagine, from the tiny seed what a huge tree is coming out?

  26. I like Tulasi which is a very sacred plant.It has got a lot of medicinal properties. second is Neem tree.It’s huge, beautiful, elegant, high ,simply great with medicinal value too.

  27. Om Amriteshwarai Namah…. The message I received from AMMA today (28 March 2015) is that WE SHOULD HAVE A SMALL PLANT READY FOR OUR “VISHUKANI” THIS YEAR…. For that Amma is asking all HER children to sow a seed TODAY itself and when it becomes a small plant place it in the Vishukani on 14 April 2015….

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