28 Jun 2008 Question

Q66: Zero-Hero?

Question 66:
“Amma says “we have to become a zero, to be a real hero”. Explain briefly how you understand this…

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  1. What i have perceived from this advice is that Amma is emphasising to do every action with a humble attitude & a ego-less mind. If we do any action with the ego-“Iam doing” then it will hinder the divince grace to flow towards us. On the other hand if we do our duties with humbleness Amma’s grace will flow towards us.

    Om Namah Shivaya

  2. Only when the individuality, the ego disappears will be able to truly realize the self. The ego must die and the only way for this to happen, is to realize that you are nothing and totally surrender to the guru and perform all actions with the utmost humility.

  3. We all wish to be heroes. Maybe Amma wants Her children to be heroes too but slightly different – heroes who don’t necessarily have cameras focused on them. Heroes who serve. If Amma could give me the grace to be a new-born in every moment, then She could mould me better into a being who invites Her grace and in the end, someone who is closer to who She is.

  4. From a Karmayogi’s Perspective – Doing actions without a “Doership” attitude, since SHE is the real DOER.
    From a Bhakta’s Viewpoint – Seeing your Diety in Every creature , so that SHE is with you in each & every moment.
    From a Jnani’s Viewpoint – Living for the Ideal -i.e. Not to get trapped in the evanescent allurements of this unvierse, but to live a life aimed towards attaining TRUTH.

  5. The answer is very simple that a Great Guru like AMMA can wipe off the ego of the disciple so easily. Sometimes, the disciple might be shocked to know his/her own limitations; as it just happened in my case.
    But, the Guru like AMMA takes him/her from the point of Zero or finititude to the infinititude of Hero.

  6. Get rid of the ego (have “Zero” ego). Once you do that, you will be able to become a Hero.

  7. I recall what Amma once said “Amma wants to be a sweeper, sweeper of our hearts, clearing all the dirt, and making it a shrine”. So, I feel zero is absolute, When you become nothing, you become everything. But imbibing this in our life is difficult, but not impossible. So let’s to follow what Amma says, and our Kali is here to free us from our ignorance-ego.

  8. If we want to receive Amma’s wisdom, our minds should grow to be as vast as the Universe. We need to adopt the attitude of a true beginner, full of humility, enthusiasm, optimism, and the openess to learn. Only when we have the attitude that ”I am nothing” can Amma help us. Let’s take an example. If the glass is full of water, it can’t accept more water. But if it is empty, it can accept water. And it is the same with us. If we are full of ego, we can’t accept anything else. But if our minds are empty, we can accept the guru’s grace.

  9. Anybody who thinks they are “Somebody” becomes a “Nobody” by default. Anybody who thinks he/she is a “Nobody” automatically becomes “Somebody” by the universe’s subtle laws…:D

  10. humbleness is the key , and to be sincerely humble generates the zero effect in a natural way

  11. Beyond Body Conscious,
    Naama Roopadi soonyayeh Namah:

  12. I understand that becoming a zero is a selfless state of mind. Our beloved Amma is a living example. Only those who love each living being unconditionally and just give without any expectation will automatically become heros, which would just happens. Though every individual is ego-centric they attain egoless state in the presence of a Sadguru.

  13. I know only one thing that in the presence of my AMMA, my whole existence melts and vanishes ;neither past nor future, I live in ” that moment”, which is full of bliss. Making us zeroes and elavating us to divine plane…everything is Her will. Ammaa……we are just humble instruments or puppets in Your sacred hands. Jai MA.

  14. I feel , we have to slowly but surely start minusing all the undue negatives in us – lust, greed, jeolousy, selfishness and the oversized Ego. As we minus, we become a Zero, and in that cleanliness Amma’s Grace flows towards us making us a Humble Hero.

  15. When we becomes zero, then and only then can Amma rub the edges out and at last we can merge into the only One hero.

  16. Zero means we are nothing. By this statement AMMA means that we should be in zero state of mind and we should dedicate ourselves to GOD/AMMA. Here I would like to tell a short story that onc there was meeting of few learned people and one of them was asked who are you he said I am lighter than a vowel in a sentence at that time there was broadcast stating that it means you still are something and to reach GOD you have to be nothing.

  17. This sublime riddle/truth points to the absolute point just before full realization.
    To be a zero means the last seeds of thought/ego have been burnt to a crisp and there is permanently ‘no one home’.
    This One becomes everything and utterly free when the Guru’s grace flows and thus the hero is ‘born’ or more like it dies forever.

  18. AMMA is the perfect Guru. She has made me realize that in every action she creates a unique challenge that helps us realize our shortcomings. She brings out the worst in us, just to show our inadequacies. She shows us that we think we have no ego, anger, hatred, etc………..but its all there. When we understand that we indeed have all these in plenty we try to reduce them and become zeros. That’s when in AMMA’s eyes we become true heros. It’s a privilege to have AMMA as a Guru, she shows us a short cut to be a zero, and a long time eventual Hero…

  19. When all those ego related things I do in daily life is reduced to zero, and is replaced with love, compassion, selfless service, always giving in every way, like our beloved Amma is – the hero.

  20. To me it means true freedom. To be able to experience the highest high and the deepest depth in detachment. To be the mirror of God which is of a higher order than the mind we believe in. Amma is sooooo free !!!

  21. Letting go of any conceptions of how one is being viewed be it positive or negative while at the same time living life morally and responsibly would be my interpretation of a Zero-Hero. I think this comes naturally when one if God-oriented.

  22. i think what that means is to be humble and have humility, just like Amma. letting go of your ego. if you have zero ego, you will be a hero to the others around you. people will look up to you to your positive side.

  23. When your ego reaches zero, your soul will show itself clearly. And the soul is the hero in each one of us. We must remember the seed which has to become a zero (die) in order to become a hero (tree) which can feed and shelter thousands, just like a hero helps and rescues thousands.

  24. To become humble and humble..
    To live without preconception about life…

  25. the real hero is the one that makes his ego nul i.e a zero

  26. Means we have to wash away or empty unwanted ugly thoughts and ‘ego’ of i am something from our mind. A spiritual seeker approached a Guru requesting Knowledge. The Guru noticed the seeker’s pride. He asked for a cup full of tea and for a kettle of tea. The guru started pouring the tea from the kettle into the full cup. The Guru then explained that before filling ourselves with knowledge we should empty it from what it is filled with now. Means first you have to become become Zero (humble) then only you can become a Hero.

  27. The real hero is the one, who is not having ego at all. Ego reaches zero if the person becomes humble. I think this comes naturally when one is God-oriented and surrendered to Amma. Love, compassion, selfless service, all those good qualities will enter and our Ego will come to Zero level, then only you can become a Hero or heroin.

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