3 Jul 2008 Question

Q67: Day of week?

Question 67:
“What is your favorite day of the week? Why?

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  1. i like fridays because it’s the start of the weekend and that’s when the whole family celebrates the end of the week. it’s a fun day to just rest and sleep in the next day. friday just brings a lot of positive thoughts

  2. Holiday 😀
    because it’s a Holy day … ha ha ha
    You are working on all days. why ? for whom?
    Unless you withdraw yourself from your ‘action’ to ‘non-action’ you cannot enjoy life, experience joy.
    For ex. after a great meal you need to fast few hours, then only it is properly digested and absorbed in the system.

  3. Right Now! There is nothing but right now!!!

  4. It’s “Mithya Jagath.”
    When it was in school going days, it was Sunday. Now, it’s Tuesday as here at the ashram, AMMA comes Herself out to meditate with us and give Prasad.

  5. Everyday is a favourite day. Amma teaches us to find happiness within ourselves and when we have found happiness in ourselves and we have known that GOD dwells in everyone, everything then, everyday is favourite. We have to be silent from outside as well as from inside and wait for the grace of GOD to flow in us that can happen any moment.

  6. Our favourite day is Friday. For, on that day evening we AMMA’s devotees have Satsang and Bhajans. We feel Amma’s presence amidst us and Her Love and Grace flowing to us. Hence transforming us and carrying us through the week to the next Friday.

  7. My favorite day of the week is Friday…. It is the weekly holiday here at Dubai and I get a chance to participate in Amma Bhajans at Sindhi hall, Dubai…

  8. Friday , special day for Devi Lalita

  9. Everyday and each moment with my AMMA is favourite. Even though AMMA is physically away, the intense feeling that AMMA is mine and I belong to HER, always keeps me smiling happily and makes my every day very special and new.

  10. Only one answer “Tuesday”, the reason is obvious, because whenever i get few golden days to spend with Amma, this one day always comes from somewhere or the other, maybe this is one of the way Amma showers love on this child. Just recalling the new year feast from Mother !!!

  11. Sundays are my best days as the mad rush of the week quietens and my family is at home. The roads are empty in the mornings and the air less polluted. I can break routines of week days. In the evenings I can go to the temple for satsang and bhajans in my sunday best. I like thursdays too as people very special to me are born on that day.

  12. Every single day of my life. Every day is an opportunity to learn to relax and trust the divine intelligence. Well…. my favorites are the days when I can be closest to the Divine Mother.

  13. Everyday that I properly do my spiritual practices and feel close to Amma. My favorites are the ones where Amma is physically there!!

  14. Each day is favorite, for convenience we call the day by a name, otherwise 24 hours

  15. Wednesday !! may b coz its in the middle of a week.

  16. When I am least stressed out that is my favorite day! Since this keeps changing, my favorite day keeps changing which brings me to the conclusion that favorite things are a changing phenomenon and I should focus less on that 🙂

  17. Everyday is my favorite day of the week because each day is equal to the next. What makes a day special is how much good you can do and how much love you can give.

  18. All days are same for me,,, i guess it all depends on our state of mind…
    But sundays are dear to me coz these are the days we go hiking or snow shoeing and adore connecting with nature.

  19. Every day is same for me. But friday night i am very happy because Sat morning 6’clock i can see my beloved on the Amrita channel.

  20. I guess it all depends on our state of mind. Everyday I properly do my spiritual practices and feel close to Amma.Saturday is the special because all amma’s children comes for satsang.

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