Question 143:
“How often do you play with children? What effect does it have on you? Describe briefly…
Please make your answer clear and brief (maximum 5 or 6 lines).

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  1. I like children and like to be with them. I remember my Divine Amma’s teaching to be like a child. I pray to Amma to give me the strength to develop a child’s nature within.

  2. By Amma’s grace, today I have a ten month old child, a boy. And when I play with him, I find children are so innocent, and forgiving. I mean they dont hold grudges. even if I scold or hit my child, it comes to me. If I had done the same to an elderly person, he would not even looked back at me. children are really images of God.

  3. My children and I play every day. It opens my heart and helps it to remain open. It also gives me awareness of the great individuality of human natures, along with the immense possibilities that *I* can only imagine. They remind me through their play to remain steadfastly in support of their freedom.

  4. Not enough anymore, unfortunately…
    I adore little children because they are little angels on earth, pure, genuine and sincere.
    I used to work as a kindergarten teacher for 3 years just coz i adore them…

  5. If we watch children we can see how naturally they interact with nature until we put our hands in between.
    The nature in back protect and guide them too.They see beauty in everything which we miss out.Flowers, Birds,Butterfly…Everything is new to them no matter how many times they have seen in before!
    Truly, there’s no wonder in Amma saying,’Be like a child ,and God will be yours!’

  6. When I was of a school going age, I loved toddlers and infants of my cousins and aunts. Would play with them, carry them around and when I had to leave them, I would feel very depressed.
    But now, in this money crazy, status crazy, survivalistic life, I look at my 3 year old and say to myself. You know you are going to change too. But, I hope the world would be a better place then!! With Amma and several Mahatmas working throughout the world…IT WILL BE.
    Ah! If only I had the stress free/worry free mind of yester years, I would really enjoy my little one instead of pondering my future at home.

  7. Well, I am a careworn person by nature, but when I see my kid or play with him, he brings with him a certain joyfulness that ALWAYS (Touchwood!) makes me forget my cares and worries. I end up spontaneously thanking God for the showering of joy due to him. I also make it a point to volunteer at my son’s school so I can be with kids and hopefully their innocence and unalloyed joy will rub off on me too. There’s truly so much to learn from the kids. However in today’s world they are not treated with understanding or respect or patience and are regarded as “pests” by the many Selfish/immature/inexperienced inhabitants of the world. In reality, who are the real “pests”?

  8. Not often, but I always find them living in the present moment and I think this is the innocence Amma talks about. Everything they do is in the moment, nothing comes from the PAST like the worries, anger, hate, fear, therefore no deviousness, and when they smile they light up my heart, when they cry I want to hug them, and when they play I want to play with them.

  9. i dont get much of an opportunity to spend time with children. But, whenever I play with them i can see myself turning into a child bubbled with innocence. I suppose that’s one moment in our life when we unknowingly get closer to God. The same happens when we are in the vicinity of Amma. We transform into kids, Amma being our lone saviour. If we surrender ourselves completely on Amma’s Holy Feet, we will automatically become innocent and reach towards the Supreme.

  10. Nowadays i stay with my grandson who is a year old. I like kids very much and i also like to play with them and observe their each and evey actions. How innocent they are! Really they have Pure conciousness. Atman without any identification. Have you ever watched a small child’s Lotus face while getting up in the early morning? so wonderfull. With our most beloved Guru (Amma) we are also becoming like a child. How fortunate we are?

  11. There will be more opportunities for being around children in the near future. Right now it is not so often, but when with them I enjoy their innocence, happiness and bright awareness, it is a good reminder of the Divine.

  12. Like all things in life, we need to teach children how to be happy.
    To be happy in every moment is spirituality. It shows our presence of mind, our complete effort at the present and our detachment towards the past and future.

  13. I must be a pesimist, I enjoy the play but I feel down. I play with the children and I only wish to be as at peace with myself as them, I feel a hollow…

  14. I am fortunate to spend time with my 8 year old grand daughter. Sometimes she tries my patience and ususally it is because I am troubled. When I get into the moment we usually laugh and do creative things. She helps me to forget the heavy things on my mind, and helps me to explore more of being in the moment. There is silliness and sweetness with an 8 year old girl. She gets me in touch with my own innocense.

  15. Childlike innocence.

  16. I play with children when I meet them. I feel love for them..Feel innocent at heart..It is the same feeling just like when Amma pulled my cheeks in two or three darshan… It is fully divine, filled with godly laughter.

  17. When I see children, firstly I look into their eyes that beam with innocence and love. Then, I would make turns around them and play. Children are too naughty and can’t be so easily handled.

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