24 Dec 2009, Kenya

Is giving unconditional? Santa passed out biscuits to all the children at here in Amrita  Kenya programs. In that this was Santa’s last stop for the day there were extra biscuits left. Santa delighted in having all the children come in a cue. The youngest in age  followed by the older ones. Initially there was a lot of chaos & this reminded Santa of his early days with AMMA at Amritapuri where he was getting training to become a Santa.  At that time Santa was just an ordinary devotee who did not understand that he was in training to be a Santa. He was just like these little Amma orphan children jocking for position. Not listening to the authority figures  but desperately trying to be first to receive prassad as soon as possible. In the old days of Santa AMMA would all of a sudden leave as she was being called to go to some unknown destination. That was the main reason to push & shove to make sure he got his share. The devotee remembers this feeling of lack, not having & feeling anxious to receive their portion from the Master & Mother Amma.

Now  he was in his new role of Santa; the position of the giver. Santa did not feel the need to receive as he was having so much fun watching the children jockey for position & coming 2 & 3 times for biscuits. Hidding their biscuits in their shirts. Some of the children had come so many times that the girls looked pregnant. Santa was enjoying , laughing & joking with children.  The sled driver, Pasco (our car driver who was helping with the children.  He was stern, but gentle. At one point Santa got a flash of his Master as the trickster & put his hands out to gesture to one little girl named Wambu that he wanted one of her packs of biscuits.  Wambu looked at Santa tentatively and then Santa gestured again & beamed at her with a smile that he learned from his Master and then Wambu  gave the biscuit happily to Santa. Then Santa put out his hand again to test her. She chuckled & beamed back at Santa and gave her 2nd pack of Biscuits. Now it appeared that she had passed the test & given all; in the spirit of Christmas.Wow this new Santa was thinking how this little Wambu, age 5 had already learned what took him 57 years to grasp. She also was born in the slum of Jam City, Africa. Now one of Amma’s new African children. Since he was a new Santa he thought let me beg one more time & see what happens since Wambu doesn”t have any more biscuits to give. Santa gave his best smile & gestured again for the biscuits. Wambu  beamed back a AMMA smile at Santa & then she reached under her shirt & pulled out another pack of biscuits & handed them over to santa. They both started laughing big belly laughs like AMMA. Than all of a sudden one of her brothers, Kaumoni, comes along & takes one of the packs of biscuits while they are both laughing. Wambu  sees her brother take the packet & starts to cry. Santa realizes what she is feeling & quickly gives her back the remaining 2 packs & she stops crying. Much more to learn for Santa & his helpers.


Amma we are so grateful for you being here for all of us children. Merry X-mas from Santa who was born jewish & reborn Hindu. Now again being born as all.

Shanti, Shanti, Shanti
— Hanuman

Join the conversation! 2 Comments

  1. Santa, you really have spoke of a “Mother Tale” well. Thank you for sharing this great story. Love and Blessings.

  2. Beautiful! I am moved to tears. You are such an inspiration for me.

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