Question 149:
What is the spiritual resolve/vow that you are making for the New Year?
Please reflect deeply on the matter before answering, and make your answer clear and brief (maximum 5 or 6 lines).

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  1. Sanyam and Sadhna: Let the new year be a Sacred start to a blissful decade.I vow to remain in constant state of alertness; awake and aware of my duties as a sadhak. I Vow to abstain from vanities and desires; concentrating my time, energy and means in making a more productive, dutiful and honest human being, son and devotee of myself!

    My New Year Resolve is to follow direction of my MAA.

  3. Not to get angry often. Thats my new year resolve… as usual every year.

  4. I want to be careful not to fall in love with my ego in the name of loving god. If I pray wholeheartedly, Amma will surely listen me. I don’t want to let any moment go futile as I want to innocently live in awareness that god is their to protect me. If I open my heart and pray, Amma will help me in this for sure. And I am very happy that my whole mind heart everything is getting directed to her. I am nothing, everything is her grace.

  5. to be in love and bliss.. and do seva.. 24 hours a day..
    thank you Amma..

  6. Get up at 6:30 AM instead of 7:30 AM and do some “Dhyan” 🙂
    Amma please give me “some” “more” strength :).

  7. I dont make a vow. I am the vow: Enjoy my life and provide joy at others.
    Cordial greetings from one, who had the delight to meet Amma 3x in Switzerland by Darshan and look in her eyes.

  8. To get more closer to Amma.Don’t know how, but will try my level best.

  9. Ammas Children’s in Bahrain WISH YOU ALL VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010 May Amma Bless us

  10. To commit myself properly to meditation, overcoming laziness. To increase in compassion, overcoming selfishness.

  11. “Try to change your bad habits by gradually replacing them with good thoughts and actions. — Amma

  12. I’m simplifying my life, increasing my sadhana, daily reading a verse of the Gita & contemplating, yoga, pranayama, mantra, IAM, 1000 names; mentally remain immersed in Amma’s radiant energy, diminish the ugly ego to bring Amma’s divine presence within. Amma please bless! and may the New Year be a blessing to all!

  13. As per AMMA’s wish to skip at least one meal a day.

  14. dedicate more time to prayer.

  15. Beloved AMMA, Your son prays for THY Bhakti to remain ever under THY Divine Feet. AMMA, Bless me with THY Bhakthi to serve all the beings with Broad-mindness, Equanimity, Selflessly and with Unconditional Pure Love. AMMA hold my hand and lead me to THY path. AMMA, i want YOU, only YOU, only YOU.

  16. quit my bad habits and give more time to sadhana.

  17. “We are not isolated islands. If we change ourselves others will also change” – Amma 🙂

  18. I want to become humble.

  19. To help as many people as possible through my writings and by serving my Divine Life Purpose! Thank you, Amma!

  20. To possibly live at Amma’s new ashram in Potomac!

  21. Ummm…my resolution? I wont tell it out loud, because then i don’t keep it. It’s best to keep resolutions a secret and practice it secretly! Then the benefits also come quietly. 🙂

  22. try to control my negative emotions, [:D]

  23. Dedicating more time to prayer to do the seva as per AMMA’s wish

  24. my new year resolve is to constantly remember AMMA is with me and face the toughest situations with this knowledge and i know i can go through life with ease. Constant rememberance of AMMA in everything i do and say and think – that’s my new year resolution.

  25. No matter how much Sadhana we do, Our mind continues to deviate and it gets tougher. May we always think good things, do good things and help the needful as much as we can; Let us continue to do more Sadhana and not let circumstances decide that. We have to earn Grace by doing Sadhana, henceforth destroy the negative vasanas within us. For our continuous hard work, Our Beloved Amma will always reward us with Grace unasked.

  26. my new year resolution is to see and realise amma in all those people around me. and also constant remembrance of amma! amma please bless me with your grace for that!

  27. Atma niyanthranam…if Amma wills it.

  28. My new year resolution would be to remain rooted in sadhana at all times in whatever actions I am engaged in .

  29. To be alert by being in the moment and to cooperate in bringing about the surrender of my ego.

  30. 🙂
    to change, for the good…do my sadhana….

  31. To “really” learn how to Accept and Detach, to behave like the child’s heart “pure & light”, and to always remember that each moment i am a NEW person, ALWAYS EVOLVING, not thinking of the past nor the future, simply living the Present, the Now.

  32. My resolve seems very simple but tough to follow: Never to complain about any situation or person in my life!

  33. I want to do a vow in this New Year: but i think i won’t able to keep it. Anyway i will try my best. The vow is not to disturb my beloved unnecessary .

  34. I think one should take a resolution that he/she will constantly remember God and chant His names. Such a resolution will eliminate the need to take any other resolution.

  35. My resolution is to let Amma DO through me, and surrender moment by moment to Her will. I pray for Amma’s grace to help me with this, this year.

  36. i would like to take care of myself and others more and better.. why is that so difficult for me amma?

  37. I resolved one year to never make another new years resolution. If there was anything that I wished to change about myself, I would not wait until the new year to do it, I would do it as soon as possible. This is the only new years resolution I have ever kept 🙂

  38. Celebrate all the year …

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