14 Jan 2010 Question

Q151: Devi?

Question 151:
What does Goddess Devi represent for you? Why?
Please reflect deeply on the matter before answering, and make your answer clear and brief (maximum 5 or 6 lines).

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  1. Shakti (Divine feminine energy). Immense strength. The great protector of all; who is our mother.

  2. LOVE. Infinite Compassion. I don’t know whether Both are same.
    PROTECTION. From Inside and Outside
    KNOWLEDGE. of the Self and all others, if existing.
    FRIENDSHIP. Chat, Play, Eat etc
    BEAUTY. both External and Internal
    MAYA. The Unknown that we think we know.

  3. My Divine AMMA who is Goddess of LOVE

  4. Devi is mother of all, me and everything around me (seen and unseen) in whatever creation mother has created. mother knows what is best for me and hence protects and enriches.
    I have read that like sun shining on all beings irrespective of they know it or not, devi showers love and protection to all irrespective of they call/acclaim or not…

  5. Amma represents My soul. Whenever I used to cry at the time of departure, Amma has always assured me that she is with in me and I shouldn’t feel bad.

  6. Devi, to me, is the personification of Mother Nature itself. The eternal giver, the nourisher, yet capable of taking away also. All struggles for survival, whether in the jungles or in the cities and all activities (positive and negative) are manifested in Her. At the same time, She is one that constantly pushes us to transform the negative to positive.

  7. To me Devi represents hope and forgiveness. Without her we would not be. She represents life and creation. She represents unconditional love, strength, and kindness.

  8. I feel that Devi is something deep inside me,which i can intuitively understand, but not analyse or explain.

  9. Love. Nourishment. Knowledge. Care.

  10. Amma represents Devi to me. I see Devi when I see Amma and I feel like a little clumsy baby-daughter unable to do one step yet alone without falling. She seems the universe and more to me:Devi! The Divine Mother

  11. Goddess Devi represents my Divine Mother Amma.
    I think of her beautiful devi form.

  12. Amma !
    Reason; Something, words cannot express.

  13. AMMA, the Embodiment of True, Unconditional Love with Overflowing, Limitless Compassion, Holiest, Purest, Truth, the Srimad Bhagwad Gita, the Visible Living GOD.

  14. Goddess Devi to me is Strength, Mother and Destroyer of Evil. Now it is Amma, Devi Incarnate.

  15. For me Amma Goddess Devi represents the hands of God that embraces the world, everyone and every situation with sincere goodness and compassion. Goddess Devi raises the vision of “wholeness” so high i can only prostrate at Her Feet with pray to be a humble servant vessel to carry Her love and service into the world. No matter the circumstance of life She lives forever in my heart. She is forever. No other world will ever claim me. Thank you precious Holy Amma

  16. My Devi is Amma.
    in my vision, She represents care and love.

  17. For me Devi represents the universe’s “Divine Mother”. The divine aspects of the feminine energy represent nurturing, teaching, beauty, humility just to name a few qualities. Devi is the personification of each of these qualities. And who else can one remember other than Amma as a physical representation of all of the above.

  18. life force

  19. I know Devi as Amma, the all-seeing, all-loving feminine presence of God, here among us and at One with us, as she made so beautifully, evidently clear the first time I visited her! Grace to you!

  20. Devi is the compassionate Mother. Only Amma with the “MathruBhava” can take wicked/sinful beings and sculpt them into pure ones. Only Amma will go out of the way to get Her struggling children who could be cleansed of their sins.

  21. For me Goddess represents the concert of Lord Shiva (my most beloved Amma )ie my pure Self. In the Prakruthi Purusha concept Goddess represents the Prakruthi and purusha is Lord parameswara.There is no Shiva without Sakthi (Goddess Devi). There is a bhajan that Amma always sings which i like very much ie neeyilengal Shivanillya–like that. The Vittal force of Shiva is Sakthi. With the help of the power of Sakthi ie Maya, Shiva creates, sustains and resolves the prapancham.

  22. AMMA who is pure LOVE

  23. Goddess Devi is represented by Amma on earth. Amma has Shiva-Shakti qualities. When She gives Darshan, she does so many things in a few seconds – she seems to have more than two hands – four, at least. When she hugs thousands for so many years throughout the night without a break, connecting and remembering each soul and even person, she can only be the ancient Mother Energy. If one goes through the thousand names of the Goddess, they fit Amma well. Through Amma we get a glimpse of the Goddess and Her qualities. Amma also inspires every woman to bring out the goddess in her.

  24. Devi represents Mother who is very beautiful, full of love and present in everything, being the source of it.

  25. All the green trees i talk to, the wind that whistles in my ears, the vast sky that spreads its shade over me, the earth that holds me strong in its bosom…..Everything is Divine Mother to me…

  26. Devi is my artist and my life is her art. I feel so as I cannot find anything so absolute in this world but my trust on her.

  27. Devi is my Home that dwells in my heart, She is my everything. Every moment with her is sweet, every moment without her bitter.

  28. Amma says “The Supreme Consciousness could be in any form. Some call it as Devi, some call it as Krishna, some call it as Parameshwara, some call in other names…all are nothing but That”. What more can I add?

  29. Incarnation of God with loving feminine character

  30. Aum Namo Devyai Maha Devyei Shivaayei Satatam Namaha
    Prakrityei Bhadrayei Nyat Pranata Smatam

    Aum Ya Devi Sarva Bhuteshu Vishnu Mayeti Shamsthita
    Namastasyei Namastasyei Namastasyei Namo Namaha

    More here …

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