13 Feb 2010 Question

Q154: Lord Siva?

Question 154:
“What does Lord Siva represent for you? Why?”
Please make your answer clear and brief (maximum 5 or 6 lines).

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  1. For me it’s Amma and the beads which surrounds her wrist, her enchanting nose ring whose brightness includes three shakti-shiva,parvathy.kali…”Dear children, do not think that God is confined to the four walls of a temple or a place. He is omnipotent and omnipresent. He can assume any form of His choice”-Amma.

  2. AMMA! AMMA is Matha, Pitha, Guru, Devan (Mother, Father, Spiritual Guide, God).

  3. I always see lord Siva in amma.Siva as Amma has destroyed my ignorance, ego, bad temper. I feel peace within. Many times during amma’s bhajans, when I long for a lord siva bhajan, next moment amma will be singing praise of lord Siva.

  4. Before I met Amma, I liked Lord Vishnu’s cleverness and charm by means of which several tough situations were overcome. Thought Shiva stood only for destruction of this Universe. After meeting Amma, I realized Shiva meant dispassion and detachment and is the power that lets you withdraw from this world of duality to reach the ultimate Realization. When every other means fail, even Vishnu rushes to Shiva for help as in during ShivaRathri to swallow the Kalakuta poison.

  5. Lord Shiva, to me, is the father. God as father, the masculine face of God. He’s the substratum of the cosmos, the inner voice of detachment/asceticism. I miss Him.

  6. To me Lord Shiva is purity.Whenever i think of the great Lord, one thought comes to me – purity. When i cannot keep His form in my mind,i remember purity.

  7. Ever since I met Amma, I understood shivashakti concept. So I consider Shiva as my father, the father of entire creation and destruction.

  8. My Father and Amma’s husband ! 🙂

  9. for me lord shiva is so subtle that i can not usually perceive him at all. he is the subtle fabric upon which the entire universe is stitched. he pervades everything yet remains hidden within it.

  10. Creator, Destructor Protector. In this era he has emerged in the disguise of my divine AMMA

  11. The other day, somebody was saying that the more correct meaning of “Siva” in Sanskrit is “auspicious”. It is not even a noun, it is an adjective. Perhaps this means that it is THAT which can only be described by adjectives! “Om Nama Sivaya” means “I prostrate to something which is very auspicious”. And we changed that abstract concept into a mythical figure with all the fantasies and fittings….Amma, please help us to understand fully the subtleties of these Purana figures.

  12. Amma is Siva! Siva is the Supreme Consciousness, the bestower of the immortal truths, absolute knowledge, & eternal bliss, ‘Sat-Chid-Ananda’. Salutations to the Supreme ‘Om Namah Sivaya’!

  13. Father Shiva is the eternal peace (Satchidananda), purity, light, bliss, truth and silence. One can feel Him now in deep silence and meditation. Shakti the Mother is guiding us back to Lord Shiva…and Shakti is everything around… Without Her we do not have the strength to know what we are and our connection to Lord Shiva the Father!! Shiva ( Father) and Shakti ( Mother)… Shiva waits for His child to come back to Him. Mother goes to Her child to get him back… Without Shiva there is no Shakti and without Shakti there is no Shiva ….Father Shiva …we love you Sir!! If one wants to meet the Father…Mother is here as Amma’…

  14. For me Shiva represents my beloved Lord ..My Pranapathy ie my most beloved Amma .Shiva is the Adi Guru ie Shree Dakshinamoorty. ie my Lord Amma the embodiment knowledge, compassion,righteousness.

  15. I know Shiva through Amma herself, thankfully! And in chanting, I smell the strong fragrance of sandalwood, followed by rose! (What a joy!) And I find gifts given to me, in daily happenings… Thank you, Amma, and the Light within!!

  16. Lord Siva is the incarnation of God with brave masculine character who takes risks and face problems to save others.Amma’s decisions are similar.

  17. Lord Shiva represents the Greatest among the Yogis who have completely subdued their inner passions and their consequent desires.

    He is the best among the Yogis who meditate in the coolest part of India, the Himalayan mountains, the most impenetrable valleys and snowy regions.

    Wearing the horrendous tamed snakes represent the conquest of wildest desires, the drum & trident represent the mastery over the sounds (Sanskrit is a language based on sounds or Sabda Kosa – Dictionary of Sounds) and the three gunas of the nature.

    Of course, worship of Lord Shiva brings quick results and His anger also results in quick destruction.

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