25 Jun 2010 —
Q167: Spiritual Progress?
Question 167:
“What do you consider as the best measure of spiritual progress?”
Please make your answer clear and brief (maximum 5 or 6 lines).
Question 167:
“What do you consider as the best measure of spiritual progress?”
Please make your answer clear and brief (maximum 5 or 6 lines).
The Ego removal.
How much one is not affected by what is happening externally and how easily and naturally one is able to rest in peace and love at all time, in all places and under all circumstances.
Perhaps that is too highly individual-specific?
to be able to lend a compassionate ear, a helping hand and to see the good in everyone and everything.
More concentration, mind with good thoughts of God, love to all, inner happiness increases.
The capacity to do actions with a spirit and an attitude that don’t seek any particular result/achievement or any interest or praising, but seek to perform actions out of dharma (righteous duty)… and walk by peacefully.
A person who is totally selfless and doesn’t waste a second serving others will be said to have truly spiritually progressed .
Increase of faith in one’s own Self. Being unaffected in times of pleasure and pain in life. Always being cheerful.
I think sincerity is the best measure. If you are making sincere effort you should be very proud of every small step towards the goal. Amma says that not falling backwards (or be swept downstream) is a sign of real progress for many. We should respect anyone who is making sincere effort no matter where they appear to be along the path. Only Amma knows our real progress.
The calming of the mind and the ability to always feel confident that Amma is with you even under dire circumstances is a sure sign of spiritual progress. I wish I had that.
i think an increasing acceptance of people and situations in life, an increasing understanding for the way people are – good or bad, an ability to be able to watch and laugh at our own petty negative thoughts and reactions and finding ourselves naturally wanting to help and serve ..these to me are signs of some progress spiritually.
I Think Knowing difference between Good and Bad?
More awareness, acceptance, surrender.
A calm, tranquil face, soft speech, talking more about God and spirituality, Humility,not getting angry even when provoked. These are the sure signs of spiritual progress according to me.
Self-Love! As we fill our Self with Divine Love here, we Love all that is around us — and nothing can shake us! As we truly Love our Self, we Love God and all that has been given us! Thank you, Amma! Julie
Increasing compassion, feeling love to all beings without discrimination. A greater sense of peace, and a concentrated mind.
Recognizing Self, finding Peace and Happiness within. Living in present forgetting past and not thinking about the future.
In my opinion it’s something we can’t measure and for me if there is a divine presence all through the attitude the person is in progress
“Asango-ham, asangoham, Asango-ham punah punah, Sachidanandarupo-ham, Aham-evaham-avyayah.”
“Unattached, Unattached, Unattached,
Am I, again and again of nature Absolute–Existence-knowledge-Bliss;
I Am, That alone I Am – the Eternal, the Immortal the Imperishable!”
If one reached or attained or become such a a state He or She is not only a spiritually progressed one but realized Soul.
I think if one is progressing spiritually, he/she should be able to see Amma/God in other beings even if it is a plant or ant. To me, wearing yellow clothes or living in any ashram or holy place is not a measure of spiritual progress. However, generally such beings are expected to be advanced. But one’s behaviour towards others in the sense that if you are able to see everybody as equal and respect them, only then one is progressing. We can see all these qualities in our beloved Amma.
Dont know what is best measure ..I want to surrender and don’t know how to do it..Amma holds a baby and shower her love constantly to it.Let me and everybody become that baby..and lets pray hard..God can never ignore an innocent calling out..
For each individual it’s different according to their journey, according to their spiritual evolution.
For me I think it will be when I no longer think in terms of there being a me, and all there is Amma in every living thing. When i cease to exist and die to this little self and and all that is left, is what has always been there to begin with. That is a start.
for me, it would be when life and love can flow through me without restrictions..
and when i am fully AWARE.
…and that is growing, which is a joy, and for which i am grateful
Spirituality is understanding that everything is God’s wish. Accepting calmly all the experiences in our life.
Accepting / Surrendering to the Will of the Almighty God, since HE knows what is best for us.
Knowing that THE LORD is within each one of us, and acknowledging & respecting each one as a manifestation of GOD.
Spiritually brings in Joy & Bliss. AMMA will guide all of us in this rather difficult pathway to attain SPIRITUALITY
It is when you can forgive a person who has wronged you.
When you fail everywhere but you still stand up, surrendering everything at amma’s feet and just allowing you to be a puppet at her hands.
It is the strength that tells you to move ahead even in the toughest times when your body and heart gives up!
I watch every year the Amma eyes at darshan as mirrow of soul
and i understand if i am going on or back
Unconditional love given to the fellow sisters and brothers and constant abidance in the bliss of AMMA.
love alla its the ultimate spirituality…. amma herself is the mother of all the children in world.. then why cant we love our sisters n brothers.. surely tru love is the extreme spirituality…
“love all” its the ultimate spirituality…. amma herself is the mother of all the children in world.. then why cant we love our sisters n brothers.. surely ‘true love to all’ is the extreme spirituality…