Question 182:

“What is your deepest offering to Amma on Guru Poornima Day?”

Please make your answer brief and clear (maximum 5 or 6 lines).

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  1. Amma,
    on this auspicious day of Guru Poornima, I offer you every beat of my heart, my every breath. Each time my eyes blink, it is for You. When I sit, stand, walk, run, and sleep, I do it for You. When I lay my hands on another, it is an invitation to come so we can be with You. Each day I decide to Love more, it is because of You. When darkness comes and I choose to shine my Light, I choose it for You. My Beloved Amma, my whole life I live for You. And how great a joy it is to serve You.

  2. Remembering the Guru in all actions,in all situations, offering everything at the feet of Amma and discriminating between good and wrong actions all the time. Being aware of the Eternal truth at all times.

  3. WHAT CAN man offer? What can the offering be7 We can offer only that which belongs to us. That which does not belong cannot become an offering, and man has always offered that which does not belong to him at all. Man has sacrificed that which is not his at all.
    You cannot offer yourself, but you can offer your mind. That belongs to you and that is your choice

  4. My Divine MAA is everything she is the giver I am the receiver, what do I offer her, she needs nothing as the whole universe is merged in her. MA bless me to remain awake in every circumstances. I love u mAA

  5. Once you are totally surrendered to AMMA, there is nothing left to offer…. Turn within to find out anything is remaining there to offer…

  6. On Gurupoornima I wish to offer my humble prayers to Amma. I pray for Health, Sincerity, Openmindedness and clarity of Action in serving Amma’s mission. Let my words, thought and action be same. I also offer my negativities and pray that I should be transformed into a true disciple of Amma.

  7. The fruits of actions, karma phala

  8. I think its my ego, (“edging god out”).

    heartfelt continuous mantra, lots of selfless service, prayer for world peace, treating everything with kindness in thought word deed should start to help it go.

  9. I pray to love Amma with everything I am, and love those around me, seeing the pure Self in all of them

  10. Amma will let me know!!

  11. all my likes & dislikes.

    at the feet of the personification of the primodial Guru, I also wish to empty my mind of all its preconceptions & halfbaked knowledge.

    aum dakshina murthi rupinyai namah
    aum sree gurubhyo namah. hari: aum

  12. My offering today is a small one. Take my family (wife and kids) today to the local Seattle satsang for Guru Purnima celebration and prepare a pot luck dinner.

  13. all i can offer are my tears of love

  14. Offering of my heart with the feeling of gratitude to Amma for having accepted me as Hers. Thanks Amma.

  15. i want to surrender my mind, but it does not happen. dont know how to offer to amma because i take it back unwittingly and the offering is not complete.

  16. i have nothing new to offer, god needs nothing, i need a lot from her………. Love ofcourse!!!!!!

  17. My heart, my devotion & my unconditional and eternal love…

  18. myself completely….

  19. The tree cannot offer itself because it is not different from the earth. Man is rooted just like a tree. Man is a tree, only with moving roots — rooted in Being, rooted in Existence. And man is not separate: deep down there is no separation. And man is not responsible for his own being: he has to return helplessly, just like a river falling into the sea. So where is the choice? How can you offer? Your death will be a merging whether you choose it or not. Who are you? Where do you stand and where can the offering become possible?

  20. To me Amma is Sakshal Sree Dakshina murthy(The Adi Guru of Trylokyam).”Sree dakshinamurty swarupinayi Namaha”this is the mula mantra.”Bhukthy, mukthi pradatacha tasmai Sree Guruvai Namaha.”Gu,means the ignorence(Ajnanam)Ru, means giving light ie one who removes the ajnanam and gives the light of knowlege.Guru is the giver of both bhukthy and mukthy.Then what we can offer to our Guru?Nothing other than Bhakthy or devotion and dedication.That also possible if our Guru’s grace is showering upon us.Then what to do? Only pray at the Lotus feet our Guru without a break like the flow of a river.
    “Mukam karothy vachalam punkum lankayate giri,et Krupa tamaham vande paramananda madhavam”…

  21. Pranams and kisses at Her Holy Feet

  22. I offer my sincere prayer and thank Amma’s presence in our life.We are blessed by Amma each and everytime.

  23. to give up a shallow breath for a deeper one.
    to give up an unhappy thought for a happy one.
    to give up the seperate self for the greater one.
    to know the self as the One.

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