27 Jul 2011 Question

Q183: Tension?

Question 183:

“What is the biggest source of tension in your life? What could you do to minimize it?”

Please make your answer brief and clear (maximum 5 or 6 lines).

Join the conversation! 16 Comments

  1. When I see people around, the biggest source of tension seems to be uncertainty. People are worried and afraid of the unknown.Many of the problems can be solved by Viveka(discrimination) and Vairagya(detachment). If one understands and accepts that uncertainty is a part of life, it will help a lot. We cannot achieve everything by ourselves. The Grace of a Guru can dissolve all conflict and tension.
    Nama Shivaya!

  2. The biggest source tension is caused by ignorance that I’m different from AMMA and that “I’m the body consciousness.”

    The only remedy to minimize it is “Meditate on AMMA’s Most Blessed Lovely Effulgent Lotus Feet”

  3. When your mind is closed,when you have expectation you are tensed.Surrender @ guru’s feet.Accept everything as it comes.Just do our 100 % with mindfulness.Remember AMMA..and we will be koool.. soon..

  4. As Amma says very clearly, identifying with our thoughts and emotions is the root cause for tension and as She points out, by staying witness to our thoughts/emotions, we could minimise..

  5. My biggest tension has been my work. Ups and downs , failures and success in my career have been frequent. I offer everything at the feet of Amma and believe that she gives only for my own good. My only prayer is that i should be able to discharge my duties to the best of my abilities .

  6. i find if I do a mantra from my heart continuously in tension making situations (in public places etc), my inner peace really increases.

    Tension in my opinion is largely due to a lack of heartfelt continuous mantra repetition.




  8. When I feel insecure and feel that my divine MAA is not paying attention to me, I have lost, where is she, why does she not respond to me. I always pray her MAA merge me in yourself. sometimes I get a response and sometimes I feel that she is not listening to me at all. MAA why you do this to me. I only need your love.

  9. Tension arises from our mind.Then actually what is this mind?Mind is acutaly flow of thoughts only.So we can say the root cause or source of tension is our thoughts only.
    “Na ayam jano me sukha heturna: devataatma grahakarma kala:
    Manah:param karana maamananti-sumsarachakram parivartayedyat.”
    (Sreemad Bhagavatam-11.23.43(Bhikshu Geeta))means the mind is the root cause of our sukha and dhuka).So in order to eleminate the tension we should become mind less or reduce the thoughts or increase the quality of thoughts…

  10. There is something missing…something lacking…always brooding over why I feel this way. Ah..the tension. Has Amma gone..left me? It is Her will though.

  11. my biggest tension is how will i carry on in this world without Amma. Amma always be in this world. This world needs You Amma.

  12. One of my greatest tensions is the thought that, after amma leaves this world, will people support and donate to her charities as they do now. How such a big machinary will work smoothly without her day-to-day guidence. Will people be following her teachings on spirituality, without her physical presence?

  13. The biggest tension I feel is about the way of performance of a task and about its results. And through enough experiences I have felt that through true surrender this tension can be done away with. But I cannot fully admit that I am relieved totally from tension because still I have ego in me that I am performing things. I sincerely feel that if we can develop the thought that Amma is everything, Amma does everything we can be completely tensionless. This is my conviction.

  14. Tension means a gap between what you are and what you want to be. If the gap is great, the tension will be great. If the gap is small, the tension will be small. And if there is no gap at all, it means you are satisfied with what you are.

  15. desire and fear is the cause of misery.chanting of lord s name really help us to get rid of tensions.

  16. What could the biggest source of tension, other than our own mind? Who else can make it lesser other than our beloved and absolute Amma?

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