2 Jan 2012 Question

Q196: 2012 Resolve?

Question 196:

“What is your spiritual resolve/pledge for 2012?

Please make your answer brief and clear (maximum 5 or 6 lines).

Join the conversation! 41 Comments

  1. To try to open up to Amma more and more… Doing it in the outside was much easier than in the caves of the subtle well camouflaged deeper areas of the inside…

  2. Try and generate more compassion. Not allow resentment and anger to take over. Meditate more and find greater peace

  3. My New Years resolution is to not be so judgemental of others. To accept other people and see the goodness in everyone. Also I am working on surrendering and having faith in Ama always, even when my life is not as I expected. Also to get over my food vasana and get healthy!!

  4. Always interested in knowing the truth of this world and the power that controls everything. Why some people are rich and some people suffer always? There should be something behind everything. To know this truth, I think spirituality is the medium thro’ which we can find it. So, would like to progress in this field as much as I can in 2012 with Gurukripa.

  5. If Amma lets me, I would like to at least continue my minimum sadhana that I do now a days.

  6. To remember God/Amma is unconditionally loving, patient and forgiving, without judgement and with faith and courage take baby steps closer to this experience.♥ when mistakes are made: to look deeply and closely at the action/reaction which created it, so that it is not repeated and/or to alter it ever slightly for the better one step at a time, learning, forgiving myself and releasing along the way with patience. To pray everyday for peace for all beings in this world. With Amma’s help may this be so.

  7. be strong…accept everything as “Amma’s” wish….and forgive…

  8. my new years resolutions are: To think about Amma and the things she does for us, her children, with loveing care. Also to think about animals and humans as the same as brothers and sisters. I like to think that we where put on this earth to work in harmony, equel rights and in loveing familyship. When we work together we are ultimately joined.

  9. to be the person god/amma wants me to be

  10. To chant Amma’s mantra always.
    To see everyone as an embodiment of God.
    To see only the positive side of everything.
    To do always whatever bit of good I can do.
    To be happy and cheerful always.
    Let Amma give me the strength and willingness.

  11. With my divine Amma’s blessings and guidance will not be affected by joys and sorrows of world, I will tyr my leverl best to be at par. May bless me that everyday I get up early in the orning and chant lalita shashrneam daily diligently. Love U MAA. bring ur teachings in practice.

  12. Still Practice of Yama and Niyama. Always chanting the mantra of AMMA.To control numerous asuric vasanas.Have faith in AMMA for best wishes.

  13. to merge with the ‘True Self’ with the whole body and all action. to serve more in more, to need less in less. to breath deep and full and be awake in every moment, To see ‘The Master’ in all, to hear ‘The Master’ in all, to Feel ‘The Master’ in all. In that to be revealed as ‘The Master’ again.

  14. I am an internet addict. amritapuri.org, yahoo and facebook make me surf the net often. and due to this, i dont pay much attention to other important matters. So my resolve for this year is to spend as less time as possible surfing the net. But I need Amma’s blessings for this.

  15. I pledge to Love the Divine and use this as my co-creative expression. Amma re-connected me to all I’ve ever been, my true self, a reflection of Divine’s love and compassion. I pledge to Consciously choose thoughts of Gratitude for this connection which help me be the light. Chanting my mantra heals me, and this encourages my ability to serve those around me. I welcome contentment and blessings into my heart this year, and hold this vibration for all beings. With deep Gratitude for Her Grace, I wish all to shine in health and harmony this 2012.

  16. Will try hard to reduce the number of thoughts. Praying for Amma’s grace to make it happen.

  17. Amma 🙂

  18. Chant my mantra at least 108 times each day.
    Practice yogasanas and meditation each day.
    Do not talk about other people’s negativities.

  19. May AMMA Grace to go more near to AMMAs advises. Praying for Her Grace to have AMMA seated in my heart and to visualie that Beauty
    more often and chant the Mantra more frequently. Tryinmg to reduce
    the desires and thus the thoughts to certain extent. Aim for the real
    aim of birth and to move to that direction with more humility and passion.

    Katheetukamme e Komala Vigraham
    Karunya poorvame makkalkkai….

  20. Have a plan to initiate one excellent social project for all of us. But need more amma’s children participation. Just praying amma to give enough strength and people’s mind/support to drive the same. Will you support me?

  21. Om Namah Shivaya
    With AMMA’s grace, i wish to practice living fully and absolutely in the present moment.

  22. Living in the present.
    Learning to work with love
    Learning to know: “Who am I”
    Putting into practice the spiritual teachings received and show gratitude for these gifts
    Singing with bhakti.

  23. love amma unconditionally

  24. To be closer to Amma in thoughts and do the things that are right. And just be more aware to not not to repeat the mistakes that I have done in past.

  25. My Resolution is simple and effective. Just continue one’s noble works as usual. If we add a spiritual dimension to our regular acts, that becomes a sadhana. Let us remember that Amma’s Divine Grace and Blessings are continously flowing to us 24*7, non-stop.
    Why worry then?

  26. My resolve in the new year, is to do more spiritual practice with Amma’s grace.

  27. chant my mantra
    control over my thoughts
    work with maximum sincerity

  28. I have come to understand that we can make spiritual progress only when we have peace of mind. In my case, I have gotten this very allusive peace of mind by doing seva for Amma’s educational institutions. For reasons unknown to myself, I learned who I was/am during this time. I have also had many beautiful spiritual experiences during this time, each more profound than the next! I hope that I will be able to continue doing seva for Amma’s institutions during 2012.

  29. The royal secret of my daring resolve to have a spiritual quest as a devotee of AMMA is that I shall surcharge my mind with undivided devotion of AMMA, make my heart stedfast in AMMA, taking AMMA as the supreme goal to experience the blissful state of the Absolute Oneness of the self-the Glory of AMMA.

  30. Become perfect through being totally empty .

  31. ”Atma tvam Girija mathi:prana:shariram gruham-puja te vishayopabhogarcana-
    nidra samadhisthiti:sanchara:padayo:pradhikshanavidhi:sthotrani sarvagiro-adhyatkarma karomi tattadakhilam Shambho tavaradhanam
    (Shiva manasa puja by Bhagavan AdiSankara,verse.4)This is my Prayer ,not the pledge,for the year 2012.iam afraid of daoing any pledge.Most of my pleges had flopped. So i pray at the Lotus feet of my Lord(Amma) to make the prayer as my pledge.Ptayer can become true. but plege may or may not.

  32. None, consciously..but simply to float without resistance towards whatever India and Amma have to offer to me. My guess is that it will be much.

  33. One of my weaknesses is that I am lazy when it comes to regular rituals, exercises, meditation, japa. I somehow have been unable to maintain a proper schedule in these aspects-always blaming circumstances, lack of time etc. So one of my resolves is to attempt to achieve a regularity in my spiritual pursuits, and with the Grace of AMMA, I hope to attain this goal.

  34. Try to be what AMMA wants us to be

  35. Like Amma said in her new year message, “Whatever happens i will be happy, i will be stronger, am never alone. The Paramatman is always with me.” With Amma’s grace, I want to change my attitude as like Amma’s wish. I want to listen to her always.


  37. 1. stop eating before i feel full.
    2. don’t react negatively.
    3. don’t offer unsolicited advice.

  38. I don’t think I can stick to any resolution. so what I am going to do is that I took a resolution not to take any particular resolution. focus on what ever I am doing at present.try to see New Year everyday, every moment…today is January 14th, Happy New year to all!

  39. Namaskaarams to Amma! I have conveyed my message. Thank You!

  40. I pledge to be focussed.
    I pledge to be focussed on doing selfless service as a spiritual practice.
    I pledge to stop my mind from trying to talk me out of this.

  41. Mum,
    Give me grace to serve you.

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