the marriage held at the end of darshan in covai was little funny. a young brahmin couple were getting married. they had lot of special rituals. boy was from Orissa and girl is form Maduari, Tamil Nadu. the girl was asking the boy to tie the ‘mangalya sutra’ around her neck during the ceremony. amma was laughing so much seeing the strange custom. i dont know whether is a custom or bit of boldness (arrogance). they have put 3 malas to the bride and groom. then they exchange malas. then the girl will try to put the mala on the boy, who would not let her do that. he tries to block her.
may be its time to make a second thought ?
a warning.
why should i enter the samasara?
maybe not?
or it’s custom to invoke the intimacy and love between them.
then the boy puts one of his malas to her. she avoids it. like to catch a dog with a noose he caught her in the mala. every body was enjoying so much –the interactions between them.
may love prevail in their life. may amma bless you.

24 jan 2007, coimbatore

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