22 Apr 2011 —
Q176: Praying for others?
Question 176:
Amma says: “When we pray for others, the entire universe prays for us.” How do you explain/understand this?
Please make your answer brief and clear (maximum 5 or 6 lines).
praying can mean sending love and light, at least in my mind.
When we pray for the happiness and peace of others then the same vibrations reach us also..
Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu.
as Amma says ” the creation and creator are one”
If we pray for others, it means that we are able to understand the others problems. So we can see the daily difficulties as caused by the others problems, sufferings and lack of consciousness and so we don’t fall down. Obviously this is not a quick process but we have to improve ourselves each day to reach the Perfection.
universe means “one song” therefore we are all connected and like the butterfly effect one little action like prayer (and good thoughts, words, deeds) can affect other places too
We all are the parts of the one Self. But now we look separated because of our egos. When we pray for others, we are setting aside our ego and praying for the Self in others. And we too in turn get benefited as what we give out is what we receive. So in turn the entire universe which is the Self prays for us.
our mind is filled with impure thoughts over a period of time. if we want to reduce the impurity we have to pour pure thoughts. then only selfishness / ego will go. so, if we pray for others and not for ourselves our impure thoughts will be get reduced and mind becomes pure.this gives a satisfaction and mental relief. hence praying for others is good only.
When we pray for all the beings in the universe, we are becoming one with the universe. Then there is no difference from us and the universe! That’s why AMMA stresses on the mantra LOKAH SAMASTHAH SUKHINO BHAVANTHU. AMMA blesses all. Namahshivaya.
As Amma says all our thoughts reflects in nature. When we pray for others, our prayers are listened by Guru/God. “Guru” in turn is nothing but the Universe. So Guru’s blessings is the Universal blessings which flows to us in the form of grace which is equivalent to the whole Universe praying for us!!!
Lokaha Samastah Sukino Bhavanthu !
Amma always says we are not an isolated islands but like a petal in a flower, naturally,any harm to any of the petal will ultimately affect the beauty of the flower. So all the vibrations of the world are wholly experienced by the entire universe.That is why Amma stress on the mahamantra “Lokaha Samastah Sukino Bhavanthu”. Amma Sharanam.
Aum Aum Aum
Prayer is called “Prarthana”, which means seeking the blessings of the Divine through humble invocation.
Usually all the prayers start with “AUM” which means God or the Pure Effulegent Self, the source behind the seen and unseen in the universes.
Aum Tat Sat Aum
Charity begins at home. What u give is that u recieve back.. This is the teaching of my divine AMMA
When we pray for others, in addition to our mind being purified, it will purify other people around us too. It will have a collective effect which will benefit us and everyone.
Pray for others means, we can consider the problems of others as ours. Means we are knowingly or unknowingly identifying with the self. If one understands that , there is no difference from we and others in the stand point of Self, the selfishness will totally vanish in their actions and behaviour. So when we pray for others, the Self of Whole universe pray for us, because we are the self of all beings in the universe.
When we pray for others we detach from our own little drama and are in a total selflessness status and become One with all, so our genuine honest prayer directly reaches God and consequently the whole universe responds to us and God’s prayer immediately returns it to us …