Welcoming Amma with Fireworks…

Wednesday was Independence Day and we had just arrived in Chicago after a four hour drive from Iowa. We were exhausted, but luckily, the short drive gave us ample time to unload the trucks, set up in the hall and kitchen, and have plenty of time to rest in the hotel before the next day’s program.

But it was the 4th of July, and as the sun set and the skies darkened, countless fireworks displays would erupt across the countryside. And they did!

Word had spread that a huge fireworks display would happen right near the hotel – those of us on the upper floors would have basically front row seats. With Amma’s Grace, our 8th floor room had a balcony that gave us a commanding view of the surrounding plains. In Illinois, the countryside is flat – and with the hotel located on a golf course, and being the tallest building for miles around, our view stretched as far as the eye could see.

So around 9pm, we gathered on the balcony and waited for the local show to begin. In the distance, we could see literally dozens of fireworks shows in other townships in the area, some small, some huge. Some lasting for what seemed like forever. And then it began. ‘Boom Boom Boom!’ bright greens, reds, purples, yellows, a full spectrum of bursts color – we were so close! The show went on for about 45 minutes. We all felt like little kids – ‘Ohhhhh, Ahhhhh’ turned jokingly into ‘Maaaaaaaa, Ommmmmmm’ as we cheered the beautiful display of colors.

It was if the entire countryside was celebrating not only the 4th of July, but Amma’s arrival in Chicago. Tomorrow morning, the true fireworks will begin……

Sri Pati
July 4th, 2007, Chicago, Illinois, USA

Join the conversation! 1 Comment

  1. Whatever age we are, fireworks always seem to turn us into children in awe!
    Just like when we’re with Amma 🙂

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