Question 43:
“What is your favorite number? Why? What does it symbolize for you?”
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  1. 9, maybe everyone at amritapuri knows it. Numeric number to our beloved amma…

  2. Blessed Amma says: You have to be a Zero to be a hero.
    This means to me…not me, only you my Guru and this leads me to nothingness eventually.

  3. I have a few:
    7, 13, 14, 3.
    The significance for 13 and 3, well there really isn’t any. I just like them because they’re pretty!!! (and I like how the # 3 looks, therefore I like 30 and 300.)
    7’s significance: I am a big Harry Potter fan, so obviously 7 is VERY significant.
    14: Last year was both the very worst and the very best year of my very short life so far (im 15). It started off so badly and after I saw Amma for the 4th time I think in Iowa, I learned so many things!!!

  4. 9 represents Devi

  5. 1, 3 and multiples of 3

  6. 7 =heaven,divine music..favorite # from childhood

  7. 9 and its multiples…Our mother’s number 🙂

  8. Who am I. “I” have no existence. All the numbers are equally good no favourite please. AMMA has taught us to remain in all are one bhava and not dwatya bhav.

  9. 9, which represents Adi Parasakthi, Kali or Devi. In my personal life most of happenings coincides with 9 – date or number. Amma Sharanam.

  10. 9 denotes God ( AMMA ). So 9 is the most auspicious number. This is biggest number in one digit.
    Amongst other numbers 8 stands for Guru, 5 for Hanuman and so on. Any number like 18,27, 36, 54, 45, 333, 63, 72, 81, ( 2+7 = 9, 8+1 =9) are also considered as good as 9. Any number related to Amma comes and end in 9 only for example AMMA’s Birthday 27, the Month September is 9th.
    The holy year 1953 ( 1+9+5+3 = 18. 1+8 = 9 ) and so on . Every one of us knows the number 999 . AMMAs name given by Sugunachan and Damayanthiamma is Sudhamani (9 letters), Vallikavu ( 9 letters ) is also of 9 letters

  11. 9. for me, it is a divine number. Amma was born in the ninth month. 27.9.1953 adds to 9, Sudhamani is nine letters. ashtottaram contains 108 names, which again adds to 9. and many other such spiritual things consist of 9.

  12. As opined by all brothers & sisters, 9 is a very auspicious number for the Upasaks of AMMA. Zero & Infinity are also auspicious numbers for spiritual aspirants b’coz if we want to REALISE LORD [synomous with Infintiy in mathematics] we should cultivate feeling of egolessness [ ZERO attitutde], which is possible only if a SADGURU like AMMA chops the Ego filled heads of Mahishas / Chandas / Mundas with in us with Her ‘Jnana Khadga’ [ Sword of Knowledge].

  13. Three and multiples of three………

  14. i like the process of 19
    19; 1+9=10 1+0=1
    we start this life one alone cradled by the Great Mother nine, then She takes us into Her vast emptiness and spins us in the wheel of fortune (karma) the ten, only to release in Her true ONENESS

  15. 1, 7, & 9. One is the reminder of the Ultimate. Seven is mystical (7 sapta-rishis, 7 chakras, 7 planes of consciousness). Nine is the reminder of beloved Amma.

  16. 9 for Amma, 0 for myself,
    Put amma before you 900…. more times you put Amma before you the number grows, more spiritual credit and can reach infinity.

  17. It’s probably 9 because 9 is an auspicious number and it’s Amma’s number! Her birthday, year, and hotel room she was staying in New Mexico added up to 9!!!

  18. Since childhood I have always liked # 9. I never knew why but thanks to this question I know why now! 🙂 What a lovely question. I guess Amma has been with me since the time of birth…how ignorant I have been all this while….

  19. 1&9
    1 number is auspicious. It shows the non-duality. Only the existence of Pure Consciousness.
    9 number represents the festival Goddess Durga Navaratri.This is Amma’s number and this is the biggest single digit number. Amma is the biggest single digit number in the universe. She has no other guru. She is only her own Guru.

  20. Any number related to Amma comes and end in 9 only for example AMMA’s Birthday 27, the Month September is 9th.
    The holy year 1953 ( 1+9+5+3 = 18. 1+8 = 9 ) and so on .Even when i asked amma in Sydney to change my name JAYASHREE She said no ‘Uer name is good”Now i realised no9 digit is so lucky

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