23 Apr 2007 AshramDiary

Devi Bhava day

When I first read on Amritapuri.org that Amma was going to hold Devi Bhava in India, I was actually sad. I had just left Amritapuri on Tuesday and have been staying in the San Ramon Ashram for a week. Even though there will be Devi Bhava here in the US during Summer tour, there is something about seeing one in India. I had been in India for the last Devi Bhava, but I missed most of it because I had gone to bed early thinking that it would last well into the morning and I could participate more fully after a good rest. However, that darshan ended at 4am, and I was only able to catch the last few seconds before the doors closed (having been awakened from my sleep by Swami singing ‘Vagadeshwari’). Anyway, the initial sadness gave way to happiness for all my brothers and sisters in the Ashram – some of whom may have never seen Devi Bhava. And I was looking forward to reports and stories that would be posted on the blog.

I have fond memories of when Amma used to hold Devi Bhava twice a week on Thursdays and Sundays in the small temple. Back in 1998, I stayed in the dorms on the 5th floor of the Temple. I remember the heat coming up the stairs from all the bodies in the temple below. The vibrations from the bhajans would come right through the floor and into the bed where I would lay trying to rest. The whole place would pulse with energy. Though last night’s Devi Bhava was held in the big Main Hall, I’m sure that in many ways, the energy was equally intense, if not more, on stage, in the hall, and throughout the entire Ashram.

In some ways, we felt some of that energy here in San Ramon. Earlier tonight, we held the evening bhajans in the main temple rather than the puja room (it was being cleaned). We didn’t know whether Amma was still giving darshan or not. Someone asked what color Amma was wearing – of course, someone knew (thanks in part to the teaser photo below!). Anyway, we continued to sing bhajans, and for the last one, we decided to sing ‘Aye Giri Nandini’ – a bhajan normally reserved for special occasions. The energy during the chanting was very high and we could feel Amma’s presence in the room. After Arati, we all headed back to the Main House. It was then that word came from Amritapuri that Devi Bhava had just ended – turns out that we were singing Aye Giri Nandini at the same time…

On another note, April 22nd is also Earth Day in the US and many of us thought it quite auspicious that Amma chose this day to hold Devi Bhava.

With Amma’s Love and Light,

Sri Pati
22 April 2007 San Ramon – US

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