8 Mar 2008 Question

Q47: Why Jealous?

Question 47:
“Why do you get jealous? What would it take to go beyond it?”

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  1. The only reason why would be if I fell off balance enough to forget for the moment that I am lower than the dust under Blessed Amma’s Lotus feet.

  2. This is a question that everyone must ponder and answer.
    I don’t know the idea behind God’s intention that every being that is the ‘lower’ is jealous of the ‘higher’ …
    The poor are jealous of the rich, the unintelligent are jealous of the intelligent, the impure-minded are jealous of the pure-minded,
    the weak are jealous of the strong …
    According to Patanjali Yoga Mahrashi, Brahmacharya (by word, thought and deed) leads to such a state of purity that all inner limitations will be wiped off and that one gets rid off this evil enemy within …
    Again AMMA is the answer for this most common enemy i.e., envy …

  3. It is Amma’s grace that I don’t get jealous anymore. I am completely content with what Amma has given me, so why should I be jealous?

  4. maybe we are jealous because we think that what the other person has (be it material, physical, or emotional) will make us happier than our current situation. It’s sort of like the adage ‘the grass is always greener on the other side. So I try to put myself in the other person’s shoes for a moment and realize that what may seem like the perfect life or situation for someone else really also comes with it’s own baggage. “Every silver lining has a touch of grey”… goes the words to one song.. I also remember a story that Amma tells of a person who wanted the best sports car and worked, saved money and finally bought it. The person was happy for about a week until the neighbor bought the just released newer model.

  5. Jealous is a word like ‘ego’. It has many meanings and causes. A jealous person or lover guards what he possesses or owns jealously. Very possessive – perhaps due to insecurity of losing. We can be jealous of those who have more than us. And sometimes I might be jealous of someone who I assumed was ‘lower’ but who turns out to be higher. Sometimes we are jealous in the sense of being envious – why does someone have it easier? or, if he has something I should have something better. I think of dogs who mark their territories by urinating. If one dog urinates on a bush, the other must do his own sprinkling over it. Of course, the biggest cause, like in everything, might be our being divorced from our real nature. So being established in our real selves should help but until then? Let Amma clean us.

  6. One who surrender himself to his Guru/Amma and takes whatever happens in his life as of Guru’s wish for his betterment, cannot be jealousy; so do I.

  7. im an ordinary mortal…….there is every reason for me to be jealous…..only when one transcends the boundaries set by wordly pleasures can one truly be contended and shake off jealousy…i have that feeling when i realize that someone is better off than me, prettier than me, more intelligent than me…….but soon get over it…the real jealousy, i must admit is for those who are with amma all the time….it is the satkarma of many lives that accumulates and brings a person into “divine company”

  8. Out of attachment arises desire, and when the desire is not fulfilled jealousy, anger etc.
    To go beyond it can happen only by practice, with constant prayer to AMMA

  9. This is the major setback I suffer. Because I am jealous of everyone whoever is near my GOD/AMMA/KARTAR…….. I am very possessive and i agree a person who has his interest in spirituality should not have this quality. But I do have. AMMA please bless me to get rid of this.

  10. sometimes I forget that other peoples happiness does not make my happiness any less. I have very little opportunities to be physically near Amma and when I see some people enjoying Her presence I can get a little jealous. But when I remember that he or she has the same “I” than I have, I’m happy again. Her good karma benefits everybody, so no reason to be sad..

  11. I Feel Jealous because of my inadequasies , but when i remember Amma’s Beautiful Face then everything melts away into tears.

  12. I feel jealous, if someone does what i can’t and if someone gets what i didn’t. Buf after meeting Amma, iam being aware whenever my mind is jealous and slowly working to overcome this. Constantly remembering Amma’s teaching will definitely help in overcoming jealousy.

  13. I believe jealousy is a part of human nature. If I am jealous it is because my mind has created a reason for me to be. It is either in the past thinking “Oh, I use to be…” and thus the mind is jealous that the present is not like the past. It could also be because someone is doing something that I am not doing. If we keep our minds on God constantly then it will not have time to wander over to jealous thoughts. If we keep practicing our mantras without avail there will be no room for jealous thoughts. Thank you Amma for blessing us with the knowledge to use against our jealous nature. I am very greatful to know Ammas divine love and guidance.

  14. When we feel fulfilled, jealousy doesn’t arise. However it is only with Amma’s Grace that I have been able to feel this fulfillment and hence reduce the jealousy. It takes constant reminders to the mind to understand why it is chasing after what someone else has etc. Another thing that helps drive away jealousy is gratitude since if I am grateful for what has happened to what I have then how can I be jealous ?

  15. equal efforts by different people do not produce similar results. in this world cause and effect theory does not seem to hold objectively looking. a farmer or a small time hawker gets far less than an executive for same hours of work. an indian gets less than an americation. ekalavya loses to arjuna. karna is a man of charitable disposition and krishna also praises him for that but eventually krishna becomes the cause of karna’s defeat.
    bali maharaj goes to patala loka and the cunning indra has the last laugh.

  16. Hindus say that every person has a shadow (Paapa Purusha) comprising of the six defects(Shad ripus) – Kaama(desire), Krodha(Anger), Lobha(greed), Moha(Attachment), Mada(pride) and Matsarya(Jealousy). The first thing is to acknowledge that I this fact and acknowledge these are manifestations of the same divine energy and instead of repressing them I need to transform them.

    Luckily Jealousy is the one energy I have better handle on and when it happens I know it is caused by my own fears and insecurities. I look into what is causing jealousy and inquire into it to expose my unreal fears and insecurities.

  17. The feeling or need to compete with our brethren causes jealousy. There is also a certain lack of self-esteem and covetousness of another’s possessions in jealousy. In reality, apples can’t be compared to oranges and if somebody does that it’s their lack of perspective and ignorance. Each of us are unique in our own ways, and the squirrel needn’t try to outcompete or feel jealous of the elephant. The creator actually created the squirrel, because he/she/it/that felt a need to do so. We are all special in the Lord’s eyes because AMMA says time and time again, that God has equal vision!

  18. Two days ago, I read an article in a daily on Why Women Hate Women. It talked about how women are jealous of each other and why the competetive world promotes it. I have never read such articles about men. In the days of sisterhood many women were very conscious about not doing anything that would hurt another woman. I see a lot of sisterhood and happiness among Amma’s brahmacharinis. Amma will get me to that state. Is it different for men?

  19. When there is love there is no jaleousy, it is an expression of the ego who is trying to find love in a wrong way because of the ignorance of who we are.

  20. perhaps jealousy comes from the ego’s defense of identification that leads to feelings like jealousy with the false identity of” me” and “mine”. “The ego wants to want more than it wants to actually have.” The ego in its deep seated dissatisfaction believes it is not enough. It attempts to fill it’s inadequacies with something externally and becomes mesmerized by form, then becomes frustrated when its insanity is not satisfied. maybe the ego is like a fish sucking through a straw in order to get a drink of water from the ocean.

  21. Well, I get jealous of other people for many reasons. Most likely because they get attention from people I want attention from. For example, I sometimes get jealous of the swamis who are always with Amma and get to be in Her presence all the time 🙂 . Jealousy is always related to ego and if you had no ego, there would be no jealousy. Just contentment.

  22. I feel very jealous when my beloved is freely available to somebody. In that case i am a little possessive. I know it is not good .But what to do? Now i am thinking to change my concept of thinking of my beloved.

  23. Jealousy comes when our love is not complete. the moment we feel oneness with someone there is no jealousy, no expectations, no insecurity because there is no room for doubt. i realised that with Amma. Because Amma’s Love for us is so encompassing and pure, my heart dies to loves Her back the same way. With Amma i feel that She can never let me down. To see Amma with Her other children makes my heart want to stick to all of them. Amma is our Krishna and we are Her gopis thats how my heart feels.
    So now i ask myself if my love is true when i feel jealousy with people i love. i know now that if i can truly love the way Amma does, then i will not feel jealousy.

  24. Amma’s grace that I don’t get jealous any time . by the way, why should I be jealous?

  25. My main reasons for jealousy are – somebody else getting more care/love than me, from people i love and respect.Even when i know that Amma loves all equally,i get jealous of the people who get more moments with Amma while having darsan. I am very insecure when it comes to love and care,i need help.

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