16 Mar 2012 Question

Q202: Hard or soft?

Question 202:

Amma says: “Be hard like a diamond on the outside, but soft like a lotus inside.
How do you understand this?

Please make your answer brief and clear (maximum 5 or 6 lines).

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  1. A soap bubble has shape, form and a distinct boundary.
    The space inside gives it buoyancy so that it can rise like consciousness.
    When the bubble pops it remembers it is the absolute.

  2. When it comes to ethics, spiritual instructions followed or dharmic principles, let there be no compromise, stand tall and be firm..

    Being soft means having equanimity or the inner maturity which brings forth the premam and karunyam for one and all, in all situations. This we can see in Mahatma’s like our beloved Amma. By Her grace and our efforts, we too can imbibe and gradually the change happens. For instance, if we reflect upon our selves before meeting Amma and now, we can see lot of changes in our attitudes and perception of things. This all seems like a miracle now, but, we all very well know who is behind it 🙂

  3. This saying reminds me of the story of a snake which used to bite people of its village. Once when a Rishi (Saint) passed through the village he, after hearing the complaints of the villagers, caught the snake and by his mere touch, the snake realized its sins. On asking how it should repent, the Rishi asked the snake not to bite anyone. The snake followed his advice. The villagers slowly realized that the snake was docile and kids and hooligans started harassing it to the point that the snake could not leave its hole near the tree. After few months it saw the Rishi going through the village again. The snake narrated its condition and the Rishi said: I only asked you not to bite. I never said you cannot hiss or scare! From that day onwards the snake followed his advice and lived happily ever after.

  4. Bheeshma and Hanuman are the best examples. When it is the time to deal with Dharma they are like indomitable opponents. Duryodhana asked Bheshma to finish off Pandavas. As a great grand parent Bheeshma had so much love for Pandavas too. So his love to Pandavas is unexpressed and through out the battle we could see him secretly shedding tears for the sufferings of Pandavas. Even Hanuman who tormented the evil Ravana who is a terrible demon shed tears at the sufferings of Mother Sita. Bheeshma and Hanuman are the best examples. Of course AMMA also the same case. She is so soft like Lotus but can take on a kali bhava any moment to teach us needed lessons.

  5. while living in this world, we may find it very difficult to lead a spiritual life, but we should be hard and steadfast in following Amma’s instructions, and at the same time, when we see worldly people and evil tendencies in them, instead of shunning them, we should have compassion for them and pray for them. Our heart should bleed for them. That is to be soft like a lotus from inside. I nope this is what Amma means by this teaching. Om Amma.

  6. sometimes a spiritual person feels that he has to be nice and soft in all situations. what Amma is saying is that if the outside world and duties require from us to be tough sometimes, this should never affect the softness and kindness of our heart. Act like a real lion outside when needed, she says, but remain like a flower inside…

  7. By having a Hard outside layer, the sense objects and material desires cannot haunt you and you will be able to develop detachment to these obstacles in your spiritual journey… By having a soft inside nature is to have a compassionate feeling to everybody which will eventually be of assistance for you in your spiritual journey…

  8. Both the diamond and the lotus are PURE,,, but Amma wants us to have the HARD and tough crust (personality) of the diamond so that we can confront the difficult outer world, stand up for ourselves, be strong and courageous so we can survive and succeed in life,,,
    but at the same time never lose our inner innocence, our compassionate love, and all the SOFT attributes of a pure heart like a pure lotus flower…

  9. Only a person who is strong loving compassionate with right attitude can help others. If we ourselves wallow in sadness and self pity we cannot help a similar individual who may need our help. So be strong and loving.

  10. constantly heartfelt chanting the mantra makes you softer, more peaceful, on the inside,
    japa can be done at any time in any situation, and that peace radiates out from you like light emanates clearly through the diamond surface.

  11. I have a very simple answer to this question. Hope I’m right. Diamonds characteristics is to shine, so what the question wants us to address, is (I think) when we are spiritual we shine like diamonds on the outside. The lotus represents the chakras. When going on a spiritual journey like we are, our chakras open. Spiritual books say that some chakras have 4 petals, some six and some 8 etc. Therefore, we become more like Amma. Amma’s characteristerics are compassion, kindness, dedication, love etc. Since each of our chakras have opened we exude those characteristic that pertain to the specific chakra. Thus, we evolve and go higher in our spiritual journey. That is why it is important to do our IAM meditation.

  12. The hardness of a diamond symbolises the rigorous detachment one must develop within,while the lotus signifies the ability to cultivate the finer emotions of love, beauty and goodness. A blend of these two extremes in one makes one a complete person. AMMA is the best person to exemplify this.

  13. Whe it comes to our resolutions, our ordained tasks, we have to be resolute and hard on ourselves to complete the task come what may, but when we deal with others, love , compassion, tolerance and patience should be the benchmarks.

  14. When it comes to our resolutions, our ordained tasks, we have to be resolute and hard on ourselves to complete the task come what may, but when we deal with others, love , compassion, tolerance and patience should be the benchmarks.

  15. Like the lesson of a lifetime.. that one should display enough strength and alertness on the outside to meet the challenges he faces and the responsibilities requested of him but at the same time preserve and nurture his soul qualities(softness being one of them)or core. Also, I understand this saying of Amma as a path and as a recommended daily practice.. a difficult one, true, but with constant awareness of the goal of spiritual growth and the Guru’s grace all is possible.

  16. the hard, is the ‘Self’ demand to not let the mind fall into the gross or tendencies that arise out of the belief of an individual self. The tension created in the body/mind that arises out of that.

    soft is the feeling in the body/mind as a result of union of ‘The Self’or’Truth’. The entire body mind feeling that.(The natural state)

  17. We should be very firm in dealing with unrighteousness and should be very soft like a lotus petal when we have to perform unselfish deeds. We can be firm and sure in our Sadhana at the sametime compassionate towards the hapless.

  18. MAA says that you should appear firm from outside so that no one can take u for granted. But our insight be like a flowing river who is eveready to help everyone.

  19. Once Amma says something, it is to be mulled over and absorbed for ever. I understand that both hardness and softness are only appearances for the sake of others. Inwardly you remain the same. Hardness is so that you may not be affected by the fluctuations of the environment. Softness is for being accessible to good things of life, like Amma’s words of advice!

  20. Eu entendo que Amma expressa sua sabedoria quando nos convida a participar dessas questões, acordando dentro de nós a nossa própria sabedoria. Isso é muito luminoso. Devemos lapidar nosso ego para que ele transforme-se num Eu feito um Diamante, que expresse a luz do divino, e como isso só é possível quando a lótus de joia emerge de nossa escuridão interior então, podemos revelar a Joia de Lotus. Pois já alcançamos as profundezas de nosso eu interno. Para ser integra nessa jornada da vida, precisamos ser muito firmes e ao mesmo tempo muito dóceis para seguir adiante com nossa tarefa espiritual no mundo. Grata

  21. My understanding of Amma’s above saying is when we face tough situations in life we should face it with a diamond heart, ie. be hard or bold. When we face problems in life, if we are soft we won’t have the mental strength to solve the problem and succeed in life. At such times, one should be hard like a diamond. But at times like when we have to show our compassion towards our fellow beings, one should be soft like a lotus. At such times, if one is hard like a diamond, he won’t even able to see the problems of others who live near him. Only a person who has soft heart will be able to understand problems of others and help them when it’s required.

  22. In our journey through life – we should be able to cross and evade all the worldly temptations unscathed and retain our good values and spiritual selves- i.e. be hard like the diamond on the outside!
    At the same time we must be sensitive to the situations/people and lend a helping hand to those in need-i.e. be soft like a lotus inside!

    Typically this is embodied in all mothers-who need to shower love on the children and yet be firm to bring them on the right path when they deviate! “And AMMA is the GREATEST MOTHER to ALL of US!” She truly is the best example for us.

  23. Be firm in knowing your Self in worldly life, while being gentle hearted, soft spoken, sincere, respectful with Mother within.

  24. We should have a sound understanding of dharma and stay firm in our faith unto dharma / Guru, when dealing with life’s challenges, be it personal or of fellow beings we should retain the purity and beauty of the lotus flower.

  25. Diamond symbolises purity,hardness, all weather proof, purity elegance,strength, clarity and toughness.All these aspects are necessary to face the challenges of the world,only the one who is hard can be soft inside with compassion love and sincerity.althjough lotus takes its birth in mud of adverse circumstances, still it lives at the top with out any hangovers of the past.While living in the present it gives sweet fragrance.Amma often reminds us as to how one should live in this world attaches and detached with courage and confidence.

  26. Only light can penetrate a diamond, and when it does it is magnified and reflected outward with dazzling brilliance. A lotus is ever opening and offering its exquisite inner beauty. Today I may have a hundred invitations to close my heart, but I can chose to see those very invitations as an invitation to open my heart, remembering that everything is Amma.

  27. Often it is not easy to understand the subtle truths of lfe. To make them happen, we must do regular spiritual practices and intense saadhana. Good karmic acts will certainly help. And ofcourse while turning “inside” we need to be soft and humble for “receiptivity” of Guru’s (Amma’s) grace.
    “Om Namah Sivaya”

  28. Diamond is a very very precious stone and the nature of the stone is shining and very very attractive.But we can say that it’s outer surface is little hard also.But a Lotus is very soft in nature and very very beautiful and because of this quality the poets are always compairing with Lotus to the Eyes, hands and Feet and Face of Lord…So i think our most beloved Amma wish to say us that ,we should be like a diamond -attractive in personality,precious in our values-shining with Sadhana etc.But over and above we should in hard in our outer surface to face the advercities of the material world…

  29. A diamond is the hardest, most durable gem on this planet. It can cut through any material, without breaking. The lotus flower blooms out of the depths of murky darkness; true beauty in a place where otherwise may be overlooked. Both represent a foundation and fortitude of strength. “To be a diamond on the outside and a lotus on the inside” symbolizes the ability to cut through (detach) from outside influences while feeling the inner beauty of being connected to Divine Source.

  30. … As an aspirant, being hard outside is an advice to practise “Pratyahara” (abstinence) and reduce the bodily wants. Mother Prakriti will look after the bodily wants of all very carefully in a more efficient way than they themselves would do.This attitude would bring serenity to the mind and the divine light would descend in the mind which is free from all vasanas or desires.
    Keeping oneself hard outside is the best way to give up all attachments and cling to vairagya.This helps one to withdraw ones mind from all transient ,terrestrial concerns and retrieve peace and purity of the mind and ability to see GOD as clearly and as directly as we see any object outside.

  31. Equanimity and detachment but full of so much compassion

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