A two days workshop on “Sustainable waste management through recycling, composting and vermicomposting” was held in Amritapuri in April for fifty teachers coming from all the Amritavidyalayam schools in Kerala. Each school sent one or two teachers attend the workshop so that they can in turn teach their fellow teachers and their students and put their knowledge into practice through concrete actions.


It was taught by the Amritapuri Waste Management team which consists of Recycling, Compost and Vermicompost units.

Brahmachari Gurudas Chaitanya, in charge of Amala Bharatam Campaign (the cleaning campaign launched by Amma in 2010) talked about his experience, such as the Sabarimala cleaning drives, and Amma’s message on the topic.

At the end of the workshop, a group prayer was made in front of a pot of vermicompost and each participant received a packet of it and were requested to use it to grow a plant. We hope it will help all the schools to start or continue good practices in waste management and gardening.


Improper management (or non management) of waste is a serious issue in India. Since the Prime Minister Narendra Modi made it one of his priority with his campaign Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (“Clean India Mission”, in Hindi), awareness has risen among people.