Question 94:
“What is your favorite artistic or creative activity? What do you enjoy most in it?”
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  1. I love music and I also write poetry, practise and sing bhajans.
    The bliss of music is just unspeakable. Also love my engineering design work which is sheer creativity.

  2. drawing , being able to create

  3. To see AMMA in different forms. Feel her presence everywhere. To lover her in her every attire. All my activities starts and ends with my beloved AMMA. I bow to the lotus feet of AMMA.

  4. i love watching the creativity of the supreme Creator. I am not creative, but the creator sometimes shines his creativity through me…

  5. Singing bhajans and also making gingerbread houses. There is a competition in my town every december so for the last 5 or 6 years, I make a house.

  6. Mine are poetry, singing and sometimes listening to bhajans.
    But I truly feel that time spent in nature, with animals and children is equally ‘creative and artistic’. All of these create a state of being in which the mind doesn’t function a lot, replaced by ‘direct perception’… An innocent mood, that is genuine in us and in which we are in tune with our real self…
    I always picture Amma’s face smiling at me when I am in such moods…

  7. My favorite artistic/creative activity is singing/performing and writing lyrics. What I enjoy most in writing lyrics is the unlimitedness in the creation of the song. You have a plethora of choices in the matter. The potential to communicate anything in anyway (comedically, sarcastically, lovingly etc.) by using words is also exciting. What I enjoy most about singing/performing is loosing my self. When I am singing/performing bhajans or anything for that matter I have no body, no pain, and there is no time. It as if singing brings Amma to me as I have the same experience when I am with her.

  8. my favorite artistic activity is dancing… i am a classical dancer.. and being one i would like to say dancing is one of the best methods to pray God as it allows you to completely express your feelings in your expressions.. that helps in letting out your bhakti to the fullest.. when it comes to creative activity my favorite is composing poems.. poems help me in making others feel the essence..

  9. I’m involved in many creative activities like sewing, crafts, & programming. Currently at work I’m involved with creative ideas to raise money for United Way. The inspiration & energy comes from Amma, as I think of different ways to raise money, I’m also thinking that one day I may use these ideas to raise money for Amma’s projects. And to be able to raise money that will help some of Amma’s children, is deeply satisfying.

  10. The greatest creative act i believe is the ability to become completely open to what needs to be expressed trough us. It might be music or drawing or writing but it also can be a ‘way of being’ in every activity. What i most like is to be creative in the way i relate to people. To go beyond the bounderies of our played roles in society. Sometimes this is difficult if there is not enough love.

  11. I write stories, essays or poems. I also sing classical songs when I am happy.

  12. Thinking about Amma’s love and trying to express it in poetry. It has a great effect on my mind. The usually restless mind becomes engrossed in a series of divine thoughts trying to create a good piece of poetry. I really enjoy those moments. It makes me feel close to Amma. By the way, i was pondering over this effect only when i suddenly saw this Question!! It seems so natural and Amma planned…..:)

  13. Music, dancing and acting in any form. I enjoy music the most. There are times when I lose body consciousness when I hear bhajans and karnatic musics.

  14. My most favourite creative activity is playing the harmonium and singing. It gives me immense happiness and fulfillment. When I sing according to the correct note, I am elevated to an inexplicable world of bliss.when I sing the Many songs which Amritaswaroopa SwamijiI have sung during the old Bhava Darshan days, I am filled with sweet eternal memories of Amma’s benign Devi Bhava. The next creative activity which I like is translating from English to Malayalam. Equally interesting and creative is taking classes for Children and youth about Moral and spiritual values.
    I pray Amma always for these things.

  15. To observe Amma and each of her movements in each and every angle and interpret in accordance with my imagination(Bhavana). I don’t know whether it is a creative or artistic activity. Actually what is a creative activity? Such an activity should be benificial to others and ourself no? In this standpoint it is very much beneficial for me. i also like to read spiritual texts not for the knowledge only but to ponder on matters of life.

  16. I love to see Amma’s DVDs, feel her presence everytime singing mahishasur mardhini along with the dvd. I made up my mind to help others as much as possible. I can’t help financially, at least amma should give me more strength to help others. This is my desire.

  17. At the moment there is no creative activity in my life. I used to be sad about it but now I come to accept it. Often I find myself being creative with whatever I am doing – cooking, taking care of plants or making the bed. I pray to Amma that my prayers become more creative and I stop being so mechanical – I have to do this, and the thousand names and that…A little grace would make it more creative everyday. Even the IAM – if it could be creatively executed – the visuals that Amma has given have such beauty.

  18. I can’t recognize as to what are my creative activities in particular as I can’t be idle even for a moment, even if so I wish. I think we are all involved in one or other without our knowledge and consent.

  19. i used to draw a lot and play piano.not doing them anymore no time because of spiritual i like to chant bhajans

  20. Expressing love, emotions into the words and make them alive! I love to write for “Prem-swarupini Amma” and like to sing her name! I also love to draw…! Why? It makes me feel closer to Amma!

  21. I love to paint, draw and sew. I love the process of making something to express myself. In painting, when I finally decide what I want to paint, that is a big moment. After this decision, the rest is fun, the pallet color, or the fabric choices and arrangement. I love the doing but I like the finished thing as well. I think the reason I love the doing is because it becomes like a mantra, the act of doing…..I get lost in the project and out of my mind, into my heart.

  22. New ideas & writing

  23. There are so many creative activities I like..But the one which is so fascinating is to look at Amma’s photo..and look deep into her eyes..and say please make my whole life to enjoy such beautiful experience..

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