Question 103:
“If you were to be reborn in an animal form in this Creation, what animal would you like to be born as? Why?”
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  1. I’d love to be a dolphin, free, in the immensity of the ocean… or maybe a bird, flying high and free in the open sky, living in a forest far from any human ‘civilization’…
    And before coming back in an animal form, I’d like to be blessed with a looooong period of a carefree soul swimming (or flying) freely in the immensity of space….

  2. A dog for his loyalty, faithfulness and unconditional love…

  3. The puranas talk about animals that were greatly devoted to God. Being one such will be cool.
    OM manuShya-mRga-pakShyAdi-sarva-saMsEvitAn.ghrayE namaH.

  4. I want to be a white dove. In fact Amma used to say frequently “the two wings of a bird represent love and dispassion. The bird’s tail represents spiritual knowledge. All these qualities helps bird to fly independently and happilly too.

  5. Surely as an eagle,or elephant or dog or any creature in the world , because Amma loves each one of them !!!

  6. i’d like to be a fruit fly because they only live 25-30 days. then hopefully i could go back to being a human again.

  7. There is no rebirth for me. I just merge in Amma…… Amma Sharanam.

  8. A bird…especially Homa bird. Sri Ramakrishana used to say the story of Homa bird. “There is a mention of a bird called Homa in the Vedas. It lives high above in the sky. There in the sky itself it brings forth its egg. As soon as the egg is brought forth, it begins to fall. But it is so high that the egg goes on falling for days. During the fall it breaks and then the young bird coming out of it goes on falling. While it is going down, its eyes and wings open out. Just as it opens its eyes it sees that it is falling and shall soon be smashed on touching the earth. Then it suddenly shoots upward towards its mother and attains a great height.”

  9. I would like to be one of the elephants at Mothers ashram…maybe a child of the two who are already there (Ram and Lakshmi). Then I would be with Amma 🙂 who often feeds and pets the elephants when she is there. I would get fun baths in the river and be able to lie out in the sun. I would also be able to participate in Ganesh Chaturthi every year…what fun!

  10. Whatever animal… with the condition that I be near a saint like Amma.

  11. Whatsoever the birth may be, I want to be with my beloved AMMA and AMMA only. No choice except being with AMMA.

  12. I would like to become a dog because dogs are humble, obedient, truthful, trustworthy, good friends, loyal and loving in nature…

  13. I would wish to be a cow because cow is the holiest of all animals because it only gives without any grievances.

  14. Squirrel … the favourite of Lord Rama …

  15. any animal who lives in the ashram and has the freedom to go inside Amma’s room….a squirrel or a cat would be a nice idea 🙂

  16. Amma’s pet parrot who is always with her

  17. A cow.The cow represents life and the sustainance of life to the Hindu. It represents our soul, our obstinate intellect, our unruly emotions, but the cow supersedes us because it is so giving, taking nothing but grass and grain. It gives and gives and gives.
    The cow is so vital to life, the virtual sustainer of life for humans. In a society if you only had cows and no other domestic animals or agricultural pursuits, you could still survive and the children could survive with the butter, the cream and the milk to feed the children. The cow is a complete ecology, a gentle creature and a symbol of abundance.
    The cow is considered very sacred in our religion and for very good reasons. Its good qualities are those that we can emulate.

  18. I dont need any more births…
    but if at all i have to take birth, i like to be a cow….

  19. Any animal that can live in the presence of a true self realized master with free access to HIM/HER is the one that I would like to take if I am destined to have an animal birth.

  20. i like cats
    but please no more reincarnations.moksha now in this lifetime:)

  21. From another side, I don’t really believe in Moksha and/or Rebirth.
    I think the “mukthaavastha” can be achieved during this life itself with Amma’s help, which is what we could see with our lower level senses. What more do you want?
    If I have a rebirth, whatever animal I will be, I have only one prayer that whatever karma I did in this life…amma please retain those thoughts in the next birth also so that I could achieve that mukthaavastha atl east by next birth!

  22. I would like to be an animal cracker that Amma takes a bite of and then shares as prasad.

  23. An Ant. And work in a small ant hill somewhere around the Ashram, never forgetting (by God’s Grace) that these were the grounds that Amma’s Feet trod.

  24. Like to become a Garuda. Because it is the vehicle of the Lord. So my beloved will always travel on me no?

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