Question 14:

“What are the qualities that you like the most in babies?”

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Join the conversation! 38 Comments

  1. Adore babies, believe babies are the closest to God, to the self, they are pure and innocent, spontaneous, happy, smiling, without masks, unconditional, egoless, in present – they are pure love.

  2. When one looks into a baby’s eyes you see the Almighty Expanse of Heaven. If one smiles with full hearted attention at a blessed little baby they will smile at us like Blessed Amma.
    Yea, That is the Greatest Quality of a baby, “They remind us of the Truth, the absolute, pure Truth, before the filth of the mind covered and rendered us forgetful of our True Heritage of what we really are.”

  3. I love the innocence, the detachment and their pure, unadulterated joy. The minds of babies are mostly affiliated and fixated on pure joy of existence and contentment than sorrow or grief. Being with them makes that joy of living rub off on me too, when i am feeling not so good myself. Maybe that’s why babies are a piece of heaven and a reflection of God and Her/His bliss.

  4. They look ultra sweet, love to hold them, hug them!

  5. innocence, peace… want to be with them….

  6. It is said that babies are equal to God. It’s true. One can see all Godly qualities in babies.

  7. Babies live in the present…Never bothered about their past and the future… The innocence in them make them being loved by all…

  8. Generally people tend to love and pet only beautiful or cherubic looking babies. But there are millions of other less fortunate kids who are dark or have sunken cheeks or may be the least attractive. Do we see God in those eyes?

  9. First, physically, the round forms of babies make them truly irresistible.
    Then, on deeper levels, their clarity in expression (nothing hidden), their innocence, purity in showing what they feel in their own spontanuous way, makes you want to spend more and more time with them… and in this way be closer to our Truth, closer to God and closer to Amma!

  10. Innocence and absence of ego. Unconditional love, like our Beloved AMMA.

  11. Babies are wonderful. Soft, subtle vital, precious. . . . I love their little toes all lined up like ambrosia kernals of corn on the cob. They know Whom the Mother is and She is God and they are One. I also love baby horses when they get up on their feet for the first time. They rise from a source deep within and energetically find it awesome to watch their rising from the life Source .

  12. i see AMMA in them! Pure loveinnocence…divinity…don’t have words to express the happiness of watching a baby….i always love to be a baby to sit happily in AMMA’s lap….no anxiousness….full of BLISS

  13. ammamon1 responded:there are millions of other less fortunate kids who are dark or have sunken cheeks or may be the least attractive. Do we see God in those eyes?

    All the responses were wonderful. The above response made me think deeper. As some friends pointed out, all babies live in the present, which Amma has mentioned as a quality of GOD. They cry when they need something and are content when their need is met. So even in babies who are dark or have sunken cheeks or may be the least attractive, we can see GOD. May Amma’s grace grant us the ability to see that divinity in every baby.

  14. Their innocence, lack of ego, and that they live in the present. Any baby is precious, no matter how attractive or not, or how hungry they are. To me, the more hungry and the more unattractive they are, the more my heart goes out to them!

  15. A Baby has all Divine qualities and all its actions, sayings, looks, grabs, hugs, holds, looks, laughter, crying, their purity, bites, naughtiness, its capability to yell or scream to get the things done are adorable. Their innocence, their forthrightness are again adorable. Why only human babies? Any baby whether of birds, animals or trees are again adorable. Anybody has to just love them because they are the beginning of a life-force.

  16. Babies are so vulnerable, innocent, and so close to God. They are so delicate and sensitive with such simple needs of being fed, loved, and cleaned. They are so innocent and so close to Amma. They have no ego and all they aim for to be happy. I love babies!

  17. They have no shame, no guilt and no fear…. I suppose that is one definition of innocence…They have not been socialized or trained to act any certain way ….if they are only happy to see their mother then they will not pretend to be happy seeing anyone else.

  18. Innocence….
    It brings joy to all people around babies.
    but, after few years they become like us… big complicated problems…
    Then we meet AMMA… and She helps us remember that we were once innocent babies… we have lost that innocence some where, some times back. AMMA brings back that child in us.. we become babies… for eternity.. as AMMA’s child…. …….

  19. I love their innocence and acceptance of people around them. Babies bring out the best in people due to their vulnerability. I love the softness and sweetness of babies.

  20. Though I like the innocence, freshness of mind, optimism etc. in babies, I like the trust they keep in others the most. I can feel helplessness in their eyes when they are distrubed. I see the same helplessness in the eyes of animals and other living beings and even in plants too.

  21. That enthusiasm in their eyes, undoubting living and of course that divine simplicity

  22. innocence and pure love

  23. That they can cry one moment and then beam a huge smile the next, without missing a beat.

  24. Babies are so full of wonder. They respond to everyone with their innocence, without any ego. They are an inspiration to watch because they live from moment to moment, that is, they act and respond to the present moment unaware of the past and the future. Grown-ups teach them egoistic activities, but they teach us true living and pure love.

  25. Their innocence, curiosity and ability to bring happiness to everyone around them. Whatever troubles we have, we tend to forget all of them when we play with a baby… They can just make you smile out of any grief you are in…

  26. ignorance; it’s beautiful

  27. Isn’t it that babies reflect us? Sometimes it is innocence, sometimes happiness, sometimes peace and wonder, sweetness, purity also, depth, if they allow you to see it. But also fear and distress, anger and pain. We see ourselves …

  28. Innocence, Learning Ability, Curiosity, Imagination, Sixth Sense…

  29. when they suckle milk and burp

  30. innocence,spontaneous.they dont think about past or future and they dont have any mask..

  31. I Love the naked Baby. They have no shame at all. The identification with the body is not there. So they are pure conciousness. (GOD) Babies are so sweet. So innocent they are. The smile of a baby is like a blooming flower. We can compaire it with the innocent smile of our most beloved Amma.

  32. Their innocence and their smiles. no ego and the childish language.

  33. I love how babies feel. They have soft bald heads (mostly) with a few silky hair and soft skins and bodies. They adapt unthinkingly to any lap. They have nice scent. They coo and giggle and look around in wonder. We are left with no choice but to love them.

  34. Innocence and they need attention, love to play, dormant ego in babies make them very attractive to play with.

  35. Babies are the closest to God, they are pure and innocent, happy, smiling, unconditional, egoless. Babies are so sweet like Amma

  36. Babies are the result of desire. When a mother/father looks at his/her baby he/she is admiring the desire in a form which has not been spoilt and become attached to that form. They are actually remembering their own unspoilt state and use the baby as a mirror. Egoless and unconditional only lasts for a short amount of time unless the Baby is fortunate enough to grow up in a community that retains their original purity.
    Babies are dependent on their surroundings, full of trust. In a way we are all ‘babies’ because everything in life is innocent and only based on the knowledge we have available to us. A baby is no different.

  37. their smiles.

  38. are innocent pure love.

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