16 Nov 2007 Question

Q20: Amma story?

Question 20:

“What is your favorite parable/story told by Amma? How has it inspired and helped you?”

Join the conversation! 21 Comments

  1. All stories of AMMA have taught me a lot and changed my life. I love AMMA’s stories 🙂 . The story which always there in my mind is of a donkey which fell on ditch and its owner decided to burry it. But the donkey comes up throwing away the mud fell on its body. This story inspired me a lot to face the problems in my life. Another one is Lottery Ticket which teaches to put forth the effort to allow God’s grace to flow into us.

  2. We cannot change all situations in life, but we can change our attitude towards them. It helps in my family life.

  3. It is a story about a boy who went to a master to learn to play the violin. The boy was sleeping during the classes so the master told him to go farming instead of staying in the class. At that point his interest to play the violin woke up. After doing his duty on the field he rushed back to listen to the teacher. The master sent the boy away and forbide him to touch the violin. In the end the boy’s passion to play was so big that he stole the violin and run to the forest and played the violin with all his heart. The master knew what was happening and followed him. The boy was now ready to rejoin the class. I am like this boy, in a situation that I am far away from my Master, and cannot join the class with others.

  4. The parable of being like the bird on the twig. Means we should not be attached to any material or emotional aspect of our life ‘down here’ that we might get used to or enjoy… try to practice being ready to fly at any moment… if the twig shakes, if the twig breaks, if the wind blows, if the rain falls… because, our real home is the sky… 🙂

  5. My favorite story told by Amma, is the story of the man with his four Wives. The teaching in the story is that nobody will be there with us always. All worldly things are temporary. Only God will be with us always.

  6. this story published in matruvani touched me the most:
    Once Sri krishna was taking a walk. He saw a very poor man praying to God, that his cow -which was his wealth- be healthy and sound. Sri krishna said ‘let it be’ and the cow died instantly. When asked, Sri Krishna explained that the poor man was very devoted to God. but he had only one attachment and that was the cow. The poor man was always thinking of his cow. Now that the cow has died, the poor man will come easily to God. that is he will get liberation!!

    So i learnt through this story that inscrutable are the ways of God. we just have to have faith !!

  7. When I came to the ashram, I was very garrulous but uncompromisingly wanted the Truth, which is quite impossible. For chatterers (mentally also), the following story posted on amritapuri.org was the eye-opener…

    The Cup is Full: http://www.amritapuri.org/teachings/katha/cup.php

    Amma ends the story telling us:
    “My children, knowledgeable people or intellectuals only know how to talk. They cannot listen. Listening is possible only when we are empty within. Only one who has the attitude, ‘I am a beginner, I am ignorant,’ can listen with faith and love. Our listening becomes complete when our whole being participates. Only then will true knowledge flow into us.”

  8. A lady attended a musical concert ,but couldn’t enjoy because of the grudge towards her neighbour who was seated next to her .Like that God’s grace is always there ; but if our mind is not receptive ,we cannot avail it.
    Of course , I like the Bum Bum story ….also:-)

  9. All of Her stories are my favorites. I love it when She and Swamiji have that lila where he mistranslates what She’s saying into English. It’s very funny!!!!!!

  10. AMMA!

  11. My favorite story is of a herd of goats who eye green pastures on a high steep mountain. Everyone desired to have that grass but did not have the trust that they could manage climbing that steep hill… Amidst the crowd was a little lamb that started climbing the hill on its own.. Perplexed at this, every goat in the crowd, except the mother of the lamb started bullying the little one… started discouraging and making fun of the lamb. The mother continued to pray that her little one be safe… Eventually the little lamb managed to climb the hill and eat the grass… At this, all other goats in the herd are so astonished and they ask the mother of the lamb- “what was so special about her little one that it was able to achieve something that none was even ready to try?”…
    At this the mother replied – “My little one is deaf”
    The moral of the story is “we should learn to focus on our goal in life and turn a deaf ear to all unwanted and discouraging talk that we have to face during our journey. Our biggest weakness could become our greatest strength if we could realize it and learn to look at only the positive aspects in life. In the end its only perseverance and grace that will take us to the goal”
    In every situation in life, I remind myself of this story to keep going forward… 🙂

  12. I think I heard this from Amma during early 90’s: A boy became very depressed when his dog died. Seeing him gloomy his parents consoled him by saying that they would put up a nice mini-memorial for the dog along with a beautiful garden etc. That excited the boy. However, he found soon after that the dog hadn’t actually died. But, because the boy was so eagerly anticipating the garden and such things he was frustrated to see that the dog hadn’t actually died, he became angry and killed the dog.
    The story shows the hypocrisy involved in worldly love.
    BTW great question – it is interesting to read so many stories and parables from amma shared by the various readers 🙂

  13. I really like the message in the story about Krishna asking the Gopis why they value and hold onto the things that He has used, or clippings of His hair, etc. They say that since He has touched them, or used them, they remind them of Him. So Krishna reminds the Gopis, who still get into fights and arguments, that He has embraced each of them, and that they are much more precious to Him than some trivial object. It’s a good reminder to have patience and love for my brothers and sisters, especially when we’re competing to get near Amma.

  14. A good question! My favorite story is Amma as a living story. I have re-read the Ammachi biography many times and find it so layered with inspiration, lessons and compasssion. Such Grace! I often reflect upon the story when Amma was sold into servanthood at such a tender age, then was able to emerge through tradition, culture, and many “isms”. When She emerged She did not defy servitude, but defined how and whom She would serve in the Name of the Universal Mother.and Embodiment of the Great Mother. I cry with awe each time i think of AMMA’s story.

  15. The story of that Dog, its master the Minister, and the King…….

    For us, that Dog is a reminder of how much Love, Faithfulness, and Acceptance we should have towards our master
    ” pum pum “……is Hilarious . shows the nature of this ever changing world .. and its people…

  16. Amma and Love, Love and Amma, Amma and Love ……………
    Amma’s incarnation itself is a history and Her each moment is story. However, a short story of a child’s pray in a temple pleading to change the capital of India to Japan [as the child wrote in the answer paper] is thought provoking.

  17. When Amma’s real life story itself is available for every one to see, does She need to fabricate a fictitious one to convey Her message?

  18. AMMA’s story about a sanyasi who went to see a Pandit. While waiting outside the Pandit was doing one puja after the other.
    The Sanyasi digged one ditch each with each puja . When the pandit came out the courtyard was full of ditches, and the sanyasi explained that he was trying to find water all his time but that his effort had gone in vain. If we follow with full faith only one Guru (God) instead of searching in many places, we will reach the goal.
    Our AMMA is Anathabhavasalini.

  19. My greatest inspiration is the story She shows me about the people who come to Her and the transformation that is occurring in their lives. People who erstwhile were drowned in materialism and worldliness are now taking a deeper look at themselves and developing love for God. Many people’s dire problems are resolved through Her tremendous compassion. I only have to look at my earlier self and see the changes in me from then to today to get courage and inspiration to continue on the path towards Her. Her compassion in my life touches me very deeply.

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